Protopopova Vira Viktorivna, Shevera Myroslav Vasylyovych, Melnik Ruslana Petrivna

The History of Introduction and Present Distribution of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. in the Black Sea Region of Ukraine


Protopopova V. V., Shevera M. V., Melnik R. P. 2006: The History of Introduction and Present Distribution of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. in the Black Sea Region of Ukraine. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 1: 5-13. ISSN 1990-553X


      By the end of the 20th Century active dispersal Elaeagnus angustifolia L. has been observed in the Northern Black Sea region of Ukraine (Odesa, Mykolayiv, Kherson, and Crimea Regions). The initial centers of its invasion were plantations of trees adjacent to roads where this species was widely cultivated; later E. angustifolia spread spontaneously due to its abundant fruit reproduction. By its degree of naturalization it is regarded as an invasive plant (agriophyte) penetrated natural and disturbed plant communities. In man-made habitats, such as roadsides, railway embankments, waste grounds, and pastures, it usually occurs as solitary trees or in small groups of trees. In semi-natural habitats it usually prefers riverbank habitats and sandy steppes, overgrazed pastures, open sandy areas, coastal sand dunes, floodplain meadows, often saline meadow, stony and steppe-covered slopes of ravines, and rocky screes, mostly on dry soils. In this paper we present a distribution map of E. angustifolia in the Black Sea region of Ukraine.


Sudnik-Wójcikowska Barbara, Moysiyenko Ivan Ivanovich

The Flora of Kurgans in the West Pontic Grass Steppe Zone of Southern Ukraine


Sudnik-Wójcikowska B., Moysiyenko I. I. 2006:The Flora of Kurgans in the West Pontic Grass Steppe Zone of Southern Ukraine. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 14-44. ISSN 1990-553X


     The results of studies on the biodiversity of the kurgan flora in west Pontic grass steppe of the Black Sea Lowland (the western part of Kherson region) are presented. Twenty-six of about 183 kurgans higher than 3 m, distributed over an area of approx. 3280 km2, were surveyed. The kurgan flora in the grass steppe contained more species than in the desert steppe, and was estimated at 352 species. The number of species on particular kurgans ranged from 72 to 141, 110 on average. Anthropogenic influences, such as the immediate vicinity of cultivated fields, contributed significantly to the penetration of synanthropic species, particularly therophytes, from the neighbouring habitats to the kurgans. Short-living plants: one, two or three years old were predominant (43%), phanerophytes accounted for only 5% of the kurgan flora. Halophyte species were much less numerous here than in the desert steppe. Species of alien origin, i.e. archaeophytes and kenophytes, constituted 30% of the kurgan flora. A total of 28 syntaxa of a higher rank were represented in all the kurgans studied. As in the case of the desert steppe, species belonging to classes Festuco-Brometea and Stellarietea mediae were predominant in the grass steppe, which also confirmed the semi-natural character of the kurgan flora. The species of particularly high floristic value were: Amygdalusnana, Astragalusborysthenicus, A. dasyanthus, A. pallescens, Cerastiumucrainicum, Dianthuslanceolatus, Ephedradistachya, Eremogonerigida, Galiumvolhynicum Hyacinthellaleucophaea, Linaria biebersteinii, Phlomishybrida Prangosodontalgica, Ranunculusscythicus, Stipacapillata, S. lessingiana, S. ucrainica and Tulipabiebersteiniana. The species encountered on the kurgans comprised 22% of the total flora of steppes in Ukraine, and about 56% of the flora of the Ascania Nova Biosphere Reserve. Kurgans are protected by law as archaeological sites. Taking all of this into account, kurgans, which constitute refugia for the steppe flora, should also be put under protection as nature monuments. Kurgans, which are uniformly distributed in the steppe zone, can play an important role in the local restoration of the plant cover that had been practically destroyed on the steppe plains (and differs from the better preserved steppe vegetation of balkas and ravines).


Дубина Дмитро Васильович, Дзюба Тетяна Павлівна, Тимошенко Павло Андрійович

Рослинність Каховської арени та її зміни за 75 років


Дубина Д. В., Дзюба Т. П., Тимошенко П. А. 2006:Рослинність Каховської арени та її зміни за 75 років. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 45-59. ISSN 1990-553X


     Peculiarities of Kachovska arena's plant cover are characterized. Floristic and coenotic diversity of areas, which were not transformed, is noted. Changes of vegetation for 75 years are analyzed. Degradation of vegetation is reviewed. Decreasing of firm- and loose-bunch grasses participation and also domination of ruderal species domination in many sand steppe communities are identified. Structure simplification of all types vegetation is found. Reduction of habitat areas is revealed both for endemic species and species of narrow ecological niche. In order to prevent further degradation of arena's plant cover it is offered to establish a reserve of 200 ha area and to include it in regional econet as a restoration area.


Ильницкий Олег Антонович, Бойко Михаил Федосеевич

Динамика влажности ксилемы ствола у плодовых культур семейства Rosaceae


Ильницкий О. А., Бойко М. Ф. 2006:Динамика влажности ксилемы ствола у плодовых культур семейства Rosaceae. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 60-71. ISSN 1990-553X


     The features of stem xylem moisture in the different fruit trees were  studied with using new method offered by authors. Comparing the results one can see that xylem moisture’s deficit differs considerably in species studied: plum trees - 52- 68%; the sweet cherries trees - 34 - 60%; the apple trees 21 - 43%; the peach trees - 20 - 75%; Maximum meaning Dxy in cultures studied are correspondingly: Dxy. = 69%, Dxy. = 61%, Dxy. = 44%, Dxy. = 75% - (accordingly refer to above).
  The method can be implemented for studying of plant’s water use resistance to the unfavorable environmental factors, as well as in other branches of ecology.


Свиденко Людмила Вікторівна, Работягов Валерій Дмитрович

Порівняльна характеристика деяких видів роду Тhymus L. в умовах Херсонської області та Південного узбережжя Криму


Свиденко Л. В., Работягов В. Д. 2006:Порівняльна характеристика деяких видів роду Тhymus L. в умовах Херсонської області та Південного узбережжя Криму. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 72-76. ISSN 1990-553X


     The four species and one hybrid of the genus Thymus cultivated in the experimental farm «Novokakhovskoe» (Kherson area) are studied. The essential oil obtained from these species was analyzed with 30 components identified. Among them, thymol revealed to be the basic component with the considerable difference in oil composition in Kherson area and Nikitsky garden.


Никифоров Александр Ростиславович

Большой жизненный цикл Sobolewskiasibirica (Willd.) P.W. Ball (Brassicaceae) и его особенности в культуре exsitu в Южном Крыму


Никифоров А. Р. 2006:Большой жизненный цикл Sobolewskiasibirica (Willd.) P.W. Ball (Brassicaceae) и его особенности в культуре exsitu в Южном Крыму. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 77-87. ISSN 1990-553X


     The life cycle of rare Crimean endemic species Sobolewskia sibirica (Willd.) P.W. Ball (Brassicaceae) growing on the screes of Crimean Mountains has been studied. The ontogenesis phases and life conditions have first been revealed and life form has first been determined. Data obtained from field observation and ex situ cultivation  were checked.


Дерев’янко Василь Миколайович

Результати перезимівлі (2005-2006 рр.) DiospyroskakiThunb. та її гібридів з D. virginianaL. в помірно теплих районах АР Крим


Дерев’янко В. М. 2006:Результати перезимівлі (2005-2006 рр.) DiospyroskakiThunb. та її гібридів з D. virginianaL. в помірно теплих районах АР Крим. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 88-94. ISSN 1990-553X


    The results of overwintering (2005-2006) Diospyros kaki Trunm. and its hybrids with D. virginiana L. in some Crimia’s moderately warm areas are elucidated.


Ходосовцев Олександр Євгенович, Богдан Олеся Валеріївна

Анотований список лишайників Кримського природного заповідника


Ходосовцев О. Є., Богдан О. В. 2006:Анотований список лишайників Кримського природного заповідника. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 95-117. ISSN 1990-553X


     The list of the lichen forming fungi of the Crimean nature reserve (AR Crimea, Ukraine) includs 344 species of 128 genera, 46 families, 13 orders. 50 species are revealted to be new for reserve. The lichen ecology, locations and bibliography are reported.


Гелюта Василь Петрович, Джаган Вероніка Володимирівна, Ходосовцев Олександр Євгенович, Костіков Ігор Юрійович, Волгін Сергій Олександрович, Бойко Михайло Федосійович, Тихоненко Юрій Якович

Нові місцезнаходження Pisolithus arrhizus (Scop.) Rauschert (Sclerodermataceae) в Україні


Гелюта В. П., Джаган В. В., Ходосовцев О. Є., Костіков І. Ю., Волгін С. О., Бойко М. Ф., Тихоненко Ю. Я. 2006:Нові місцезнаходження Pisolithus arrhizus (Scop.) Rauschert (Sclerodermataceae) в Україні. Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 118-122. ISSN 1990-553X


     Information about new records and distribution of Pisolithus arrhizus (Scop.) Rauschert(Sclerodermataceae, Basidiomycota), a rare species, in Ukraine is presented. The fungus was found in Donetsk, Kharkiv, Kherson, Odesa and Poltava regions. Once it was recodred in Crimea on the territory of Karadag Nature reserve. In most cases this species was confined to sandy soils or pure sand. It is proposed to include this species into Red Data Book of Ukraine.


Мельник Руслана Петрівна, Сягровець Ірина Петрівна

Всеукраїнська наукова конференція «Синантропізація рослинного покриву України» (Переяслав-Хмельницький, Україна, 27-28 квітня 2006 року)


Мельник Р.П., Сягровець І.П. 2006:Всеукраїнська наукова конференція «Синантропізація рослинного покриву України» (Переяслав-Хмельницький, Україна, 27-28 квітня 2006 року). Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 123-124. ISSN 1990-553X


Бойко Михайло Федосійович, Кондратюк Семен Якович.

Корифей географічного аналізу ліхенофлор (до 100-річчя від дня народження Макаревич Марії Флоріанівни)


Бойко М.Ф., Кондратюк С.Я. 2006:Корифей географічного аналізу ліхенофлор (до 100-річчя від дня народження Макаревич Марії Флоріанівни). Чорн. Бот. журн. Том 2, № 2: 125-127. ISSN 1990-553X


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