Kolomiychuk V.P., Domnich A.V.

Change of phytomass of accumulation ecosystems of Priazov’ya spits influenced and uninfluenced by ungulates


Kolomiychuk V.P., Domnich A.V. (2014).Change of phytomass of accumulation ecosystems of Priazov’ya spits influenced and uninfluenced by ungulates. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 152-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/1.


The article presents data on the current stock of phytomass of peninsular accumulative system «Biryuchiy Island Spit – Fedotovа Spit» in the North Pryazov’ya. The impact of naturalized ungulates on meadow and psammophytic and steppe communities of Biryuchiy Island Spit is analyzed. The composition and aboveground phytomass of grazed plants (Biryuchiy Island Spit) and non-grazed plants (Fedotova Spit) phytocenoses are characterized. The dependence between site climate, ungulate density and total stocks of herbaceous feed is determined. Directions of vegetation adaptation to overgrazing on the area under study are specified. Seasonal changes in feed stocks and chemical composition of 10 background plants of the area, found in animals’ stomachs are analyzed.

Krokhmal I.I.

Anatomical and physiological features of Campanula glomerata L.


Krokhmal I.I. (2014): Anatomical and physiological features of Campanula glomerata L. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 167-178. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/2.


Leaf anatomical features of Campanula glomerata L. in different existence conditions were studied. The study has shown that the growth conditions have influenced leaf quantitative anatomical characteristics. A higher number of correlations of morphological and anatomical leaf features is observed under more arid conditions within the species distribution; thickness of palisade mesophyll, palisade coefficient, size and area of stomata of abaxial epidermis, m/S і m2/S ratios are increased, leaf width and stomata number are reduced.

Zhilyaev G.G.

The prerequisites for preserving the viability of natural populations of Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) during demutaion in subalpine meadows of the Carpathians.


Zhilyaev G.G. (2014). The prerequisites for preserving the viability of natural populations of Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) during demutaion in subalpine meadows of the Carpathians. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 179-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/3.


Rezults the progress of long-term monitoring (1974–2013) model population of Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae), during demutation change in subalpine meadows in the Carpathians are summarized. Main features of structural transformations and principles of self-regulation in this population were revealed. It was concluded that micropopulations have special role as centers of flow formation generation and conservation of heterogeneity of population elements.

Olshanskyi I.G. 

Rhamnaceae Juss. on the Flora of Ukraine.


Olshanskyi I.G. (2014). Rhamnaceae Juss. on the Flora of Ukraine. Chornomorsk. bot. z., 10 (2): 190-201. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/4.


Information about the Rhamnaceae species in the flora of Ukraine is generalized. Keys for the determination of genera and species are created. Morphological descriptions and information about their distribution are given for each species nomenclature. Rhamnaceae species of natural flora of Ukraine is described in this paper. Four species are native (Frangula alnus Mill., Paliurus spina-christi Mill., Rhamnus cathartica L., R. tinctoria Waldst. et Kit.) and one species is alien (Rhamnus alaternus L.). We also provide information on species commonly cultivated in gardens and parks of Ukraine. 

Khodosovtsev O.Ye, Nadyeina O.V., Khodosovtseva Yu.A.

Terricolous lichen communities of Plain Crimea (Ukraine)


Khodosovtsev O.Ye, Nadyeina O.V., Khodosovtseva Yu.A. (2014). Terricolous lichen communities of Plain Crimea (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 202-223. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/5.


Terricolous lichen communities of Plain part of Crimena Peninsula (Ukraine) form five associations, from them four we described first here: Enchylietum tenaxis Khodosovtsev ass. nov., Placidiopsietum cinerascentis Khodosovtsev ass. nov., Seirophoretum lacunosae Khodosovtsev ass. nov., Cladonietum endiviaefoliae Th. Müller (1951) and Circinarietum fruticulosae Khodosovtsev ass. nov. Associations belong to the two unions Toninion coeruleonigricantis Hadač (1948) and Sphaerothallio-Xanthoparmelion vagantis Crespo et Barreno (1978) from class Psoretea decipientis Mattick (1951). We showed ecological peculiarities and directions of successions in lichen associations of Plain Crimea. Six phytocoenotic tables are given in this paper.

Boiko M.F.

Index of pair families (Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae) of the bryoflora of plain Ukraine in the ekocoordinate system "arid-humid"


Boiko M.F. (2014).Index of pair families (Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae) of the bryoflora of plain Ukraine in the ekocoordinate system "arid-humid". Chornomors’k. bot. z, 10 (2): 224-233. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/6.


The use of index numbers of species specially selected pairs of families (Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae, Bryopsida) Ind P / A to reflect the characteristics and features and certain changes in the ecological and geographical aspects Bryoflora geographical zones plains of Ukraine: the zone of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests (Ukrainian Polessye ), broad-leaved forest zone (zone immoral), forest-steppe and steppe zones is characterized. the index has its highest value in bryoflora of steppe zone – 3.00 (at a ratio of the number of species families Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae 48/16 and size ombrorezhima 10,0–10,5 points). In the direction from south to north index value decreases regularly: in the forest-steppe zone – 2.21 (at a ratio of the number of species families Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae 51/23 and size ombrorezhimua 11.5–12.0 points) in the deciduous forest zone – 1, 81 (at the ratio of the number of species families Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae 59/32 and size ombrorezhimu 12.0 points) and in the zone of mixed coniferous-deciduous forests – 1.03 (at a ratio of the number of species families Pottiaceae / Amblystegiaceae 32/31 and size 12 ombrorezhimu 0–12.5 points). Also the analyzes of the value of families’ index pairs (Ind P / A) for all bryoflora phytogeographical regions of Ukraine is given. Index (ratio) species abundance of specially selected families reflects the zonal character of plain bryoflora and can be used in their typification, in allocating bryoflora to a certain type.

Korytnianska V.G. 

History of study of obligate parasite phytotrophic fungi of right bank Steppe of Ukraine


Korytnianska V.G. (2014). History of study of obligate parasite phytotrophic fungi of right bank Steppe of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 234-243. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/7.


In accordance to the scientific sources the history of the research of obligate parasite phytotrophic fungi of right bank Steppe of Ukraine can be tentatively divided into three stages: 1) from the middle of the 19th century to the 60s of the 20th century, beginning with the first studies by J.H. Léveillé, Ya.Ya. Valts with L. Rishavi, and N.K. Sredinski to generalization of the results of numerous research data in the volumes of the “Identification guide of fungi of Ukraine”; 2) the 70–80s. This stage is characterized by active research of parasitic micromycetes of the steppe zone of Ukraine (including its right bank). The results of this research were summarized in the monograph “Рarasitic fungi of Steppe zone of Ukraine”; 3) the 90s of the 20th century to this day.

Darmostuk V.V.

Lecanora strоbilina (Spreng.) Kieff. – new lichen species for the plain part of Ukraine


Darmostuk V.V. (2014). Lecanora strоbilina (Spreng.) Kieff. – new lichen species for the plain part of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 244-245. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/8.


The information about new lichen species for the plain part of Ukraine – Lecanora strobilina (Spreng.) Kieff. is presented. It was found in artificial silvicultural forests in the valley of the Ingulets river on dry twigs of Pinus sylvestris L. Our sample is a second finding of Lecanora strobilina in Ukraine.

Klymenko V.M., Khodosovtsev A.Ye.

Massjukiella uсrainica is rare for southern Ukraine xanthorioid soredious lichen from urbanized landscapes


Klymenko V.M., Khodosovtsev A.Ye. (2014).  Massjukiella uсrainica is rare for southern Ukraine xanthorioid soredious lichen from urbanized landscapes. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 246-248. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/9.


The ecological peculiarities of the rare for southern Ukraine lichens Massjukiella ucrainica collected from urbanized landscapes are provided.

Agurova I.V., Prokhorova S.I. 

Monitoring of the state of vegetation cover on the anthropogenic lands: population and morphological aspects


Agurova I.V., Prokhorova S.I. (2014). Monitoring of the state of vegetation cover on the anthropogenic lands: population and morphological aspects. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 249-262. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/10.


The article shows the summarized information of population monitoring of plants in technogenous ecotopes of the Donetsk region for the 10-year data of the authors. So, the population monitoring of the 9 most common plant species, both annual and perennial, in different types of technogenous ecotopes on the territory of Donetsk region was conducted. Study of annual plant species and their morphological parameters allow to determine the most variable features: so, for Reseda lutea L. these features are: the length of inflorescences and the number of flowers per plant; for Senecio vernalis L. – the average number of leaves and characteristics of inflorescences. It was found the population density of Plantago lanceolata L. reflects the intensity of direct anthropogenic impacts on plants. On the stable position of plant species Oberna behen (l.) Ikonn. in the phytocenosis testifies presence the individuals almost all stages in the age structure of population, density, distribution and degree of morphological variability. The results of the monitoring population structure of salt-tolerant species allow to propose a simple way of using these plants for demineralization edaphotopes of technogenous lands. Population study of dominant species on the territory of the marl quarry allows to identify suitability of the ecotopes for plant growth. 

Panchenko S.M.

Addition to the flora of National Nature Park “Desniansko-Starogutsky”


Panchenko S.M. (2014). Addition to the flora of National Nature Park “Desniansko-Starogutsky”. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10 (2): 263-270. http://dx.doi.org/10.14255/2308-9628/14.102/11.


The list of vascular plants of the National Nature Park "Desniansko-Starogutsky" was complemented. During the field researches 46 new species are educed. Five new species are educed on results of herbarium collections’ treatment. 3 spe  cies are redefined, in particular it was corrected Carex buxbaumii on Carex hartmanii (a list had Carex hartmanii already). 6 new species are also mentioned in literature. Thus, the list of flora of vascular plants of National Nature Park "Desniansko-Starogutsky"is filled up on 57 species and 18 genera, and now it counts 853 species and 419 genera. Most new species present natural biotopes: meadows (10 species), forests (12) a water-bog (9). Mostly there are cultural (12), ruderal (11) and segetal (3) species. Among new species there are the rare plants listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine: Aldrovanda vesiculosa, Utricularia minor and Epipactis palustris.


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