Kovalenko S.G., Bondarenko O.Yu., Vasylyeva T.V.

Exciccates of Josef Paczoski collection from Odessa Mechnikov National University’ Herbarium  (MSUD)


Kovalenko S.G., Bondarenko O.Yu., Vasylyeva T.V. (2013). Exciccates of Josef Paczoski collection from Odessa Mechnikov National University’ Herbarium  (MSUD). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9 (1): 6-14.


There was considered the exsiccates’ composition from Paczoskiy collection which are presented by 86 examples from 80 species with 14 varieties, 57 (58) genus and 26 (27) families, which were gathered in 1893-1909. All plants characterize Poland and Bessarabian floras in that time frontiers. There was analyzed systematical spectrum, places of plants collection and collectors, who took part in gathering of those plants. The rare and disappeared species are indicated.

Kharkhota H.I., Prokhorova S.I., Agurova I.V.

Adaptation of steppe plant species in technogenic ecotopes of the South-East of Ukraine


Kharkhota H.I., Prokhorova S.I., Agurova I.V. (2013). Adaptation of steppe plant species in technogenic ecotopes of the South-East of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9 (1): 15-23.


Species composition of steppe plants (85 species) and their spread in different types of technogenic ecosystems in the South-East of Ukraine have been studied. When studying the population structure of a steppe species-edifier Festuca valesiaca Gaudin. in a mine dump ecotope we have established the age spectrum and density of this population species, being close to those of this species populations growing under conditions of a regulated grazing. We have made an inventory and bioecological classification of steppe plants belonging to the natural flora and have analyzed these plants’ distribution in technogenic ecosystems. These efforts enabled us to define a range of tolerant, meliorative, ornamental and other species fit for the purposes of propagation in urban and man disturbed areas. The methods of optimization of technogenic, urbanized territories and industrial sites using steppe plant species of natural flora, taking into account their bioecological potential and tolerance to anthropogenic factor are recommended.

Dremliuga N.G.

The fruіts’ morphological peculiarities of species fromsection Medium D.C. of genus  Campanula L. in the flora of Ukraine


Dremliuga N.G. (2013).The fruіts’ morphological peculiarities of species fromsection Medium D.C. of genus  Campanula L. in the flora of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9 (1): 24-29.


The fruits’ morphological peculiarities of 19 species from section Medium D.C. of genus Campanula L. in the flora of Ukraine were studied. The common features (base or medium aperture location) and specific ones (globose or inversely ovate capsules form, erect or pendent pedicles, dense, dispersed pubescens from rigid, soft hair or its absence) have been revealed.

Kuz' I.A.

Structural and comparative analysis of Middle Pridnistrov’ya bogs’ flora


Kuz' I.A. (2013). Structural and comparative analysis of Middle Pridnistrov’ya bogs’ flora.  Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9 (1): 30-40.


On the basis of the data from the herbarium materials and literature sources and their own field of research species composition of flora of vascular plants of bogs of Middle Pridnistrov’ya is installed which has 128 species, belonging to 2 divisions, 3 classes, 34 families and 65 genera. In carrying out structural-and-comparative analysis some differences in comparison with the wetlands territories of the Western Podillya, Eastern Galicia and Forest-steppe zone as a whole were revealed. Taxonomic structure of the flora of the studied bogs is typical for floras of the Holarctic. The analysis of the geographic structure has shown that among the higher vascular plants are dominated by species of wider distribution, which are connected with the peculiarities of the relief of the area. Biomorphology and ecology analysis have proved the advantage of species which are typical for this type of environment.

Moysiyenko I.I.

Floral diversity and taxonomic structure of the florat of he Pivnichne Prychornomoria (Northern Black Sea Coastal Plain)


Moysiyenko I.I. (2013). Floral diversity and taxonomic structure of the florat of he Pivnichne Prychornomoria (Northern Black Sea Coastal Plain). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9 (1): 41-56.


Spontaneous flora of the northern Black Sea region includes 2025 species and 59 subspecies of vascular plants that belong to 697 genera and 143 families of 5 divisions. In terms of floristic wealth studied flora takes a high position among similar in size floras of Eastern Europe and contains 44.6% of spontaneous vascular plants of Ukraine. High floristic wealth territory study is determined by the multilevel differentiation of the Northern Black Sea and its attendant ecotonic effect. Human economic activity also contributes to the growth of floral wealth in this transformation phase, as the process of biodiversity antropofitamy far ahead of oncoming extinction process of natural flora.

The article presents a quantitative characterization of species composition of major taxonomic units, the basic proportions of investigated flora (Liliopsida / Magnoliopsida; genera / species, families / genera / species), species richness of spectra of the leading families and genera, which although in general correspond to the same parameters in the flora of Holarktyky, but is closer to the synanthropic flora.

A key indicator of taxonomic structure flora is range of leading families and genera, which reflects the main properties of the flora. The spectrum is dominated by the following families: Asteraceae (257 species; 12,8%), Poaceae (191; 9,5), Fabaceae (127; 6,3), Brassicaceae (124; 6,2), Caryophyllaceae (108; 5.4 ), Rosaceae (87; 4,3), Lamiaceae (76; 3,8), Apiaceae (69; 3,4), Cyperaceae (69; 3,4), Chenopodiaceae (68, 3.4). The most polymorphic genera are Carex (33 species; 1,6%), Euphorbia (24; 1,2), Trifolium (23; 1,1), Centaurea (23; 1,1), Astragalus (23, 1.1) , Galium (21; 1,0), Rosa (18; 0,9), Potentilla (18; 0,9), Veronica (17; 0,8), Dianthus (17; 0,8), Artemisia (17; 0.8).

The analysis showed a significant transformation of systematic structure as the result of floral synanthropisation, that can be observed in a concentration of a large number of species in a few genera and families; in the growing importance of  genera with few species; in shifting of the spectra of leading taxa, including the improving of position in the Brassicaceae and Chenopodiaceae spectrum and Euphorbia, Veronica genera; on the contrary, the growth in the amount of Poaceae and Asteraceae declines as a result of synanthropisation of Caryophyllaceae, Cyperaceae, Lamiaceae i Rosaceaefamilies.

Ordynets O., Akulov O., Helleman S.

First data about fungal diversity of the “Trekhizbenskyi Step” division of the Luhansk Nature Reserve


Ordynets O., Akulov O., Helleman S.  (2013). First data about fungal diversity of the “Trekhizbenskyi Step” division of the Luhansk Nature Reserve. Chornomors`k bot. z., 9 (1): 57-83.


One hundred and fifty fungal species were revealed by us in the “Trekhizbenskyi Step” division of the Luhansk Nature Reserve. Of them, 52 species are those belonging to Ascomycota and 98 to Basidiomycota. All the species are reported from the research area for the first time. Eleven species are recorded in Ukraine for the first time. The records of Perrotia cf. succina (W. Phillips) Dennis and Streptotinia caulophylli M.E. Elliott are new to Europe. Phaeosphaeria sp. collected from Chamaecytisus ruthenicus (Fisch. ex Vorosch.) Klask. is supposed to be a new species. Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided both for taxonomically significant records and the species that are firstly revealed in Ukraine.

Khodosovtsev A.Ye.

Lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi from Aju-Dag Mt  new to Ukraine and Crimea


Khodosovtsev A.Ye. (2013). Lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi from Aju-Dag Mt  new to Ukraine and Crimea. Chornomors`k. bot. z., 9 (1): 84-88.


The lichen Xanthoparmelia mougeotii (Schaer.) Hale and five species of lichenicolous fungi are new to Ukraine: Homostegia piggotii (Berk. & Broome) P. Karst., Phoma ficuzzae Brackel, Sphaerellothecium parmeliae Diederich & Etayo, S. propinquellum (Nyl.) Cl. Roux & Triebel, and Syzygospora bachmannii Diederich & M.S. Christ. Lichens Melanelia disjuncta (Erichsen) Essl. and Lichenomphalia umbellifera (L.) Redhead, Lutzoni,  Moucalvo et Vilgalys and lichenicolous fungius Lichenoconium lecanorae (Jaap) D. Hawksw. Are new to Crimea.

Gapon S.V.

Review of classification schemes of moss vegetation of Western and Central Europe


Gapon S.V. (2013). Review of classification schemes of moss vegetation of Western and Central Europe. Chornomors`k. bot. z., 9 (1): 89-97.


The state of study is characterized and the review of modern classification systems of moss vegetation of Western and Central Europe are given. The comparative characterization of the main classification schemes by R. Marshtaller (2006) and A. Hübschman (1986) is proposed. The correlation of higher syntaxonomical categories: classes, orders of  both classification schemes is defined. The state of classification of moss vegetation in Eastern European countries and surrounding areas is given. The classification of moss vegetation of  Forest-Steppe of Ukraine is proposed. It consists of 9 classes, 13 orders, 18 alliances, 36 associations, 8 subassociations,  22 moss communities and 11 epigeic synusiae. 3 associations, 4 subassociation and 14 moss communities are described as new to science.

Voronova O.G.

Flora and Ecocenotic Arrangement of Mosses in Guzeneyevo State Complex Region-Class Reserve (Tyumen Region)


Voronova O.G. (2013). Flora and Ecocenotic Arrangement of Mosses in Guzeneyevo State Complex Region-Class Reserve (Tyumen Region). Chornomors`k. bot. z., 9 (1): 98-116.


The flora of mosses in the Guzeneyevo reserve includes 91 species, 42 genera, 24 families, 8 orders relating to 4 classes: Sphagnopsida, Polytrichopsida, Tetraphidopsida, and Bryopsida. The Amblystegium serpens is marked by the variation of A. serpens var. juratzkanum. The mosses of the Hypnales order which amount to 39.4% of the total number of species, are the most occurring in the composition of plant associations. The next most occurring one is the Sphagnales order, with 22%, the third position is shared by Bryales and Dicranales, with 13% each. The Sphagnaceae, Polytrichaceae, Dicranaceae, and Amblystegiaceae families, the share of which is 49.4%, are characterized with the greatest variety of species.

The coniferous and small-leaved forests are characterized by the greatest variety of mosses, with 65 species. The next are swamps and swamp forests, with 48 species. For the first time in the Tyumen Region we register Didimodon rigidulus and Sphagnum palustre, as well as very rare species: Atrichum undulatum, Bryum argenteum, B. moravicum, Hygroamblystegium humile, Pohlia melanodon, Sphagnum majus. The majority of mosses, 57 species, are registered on the rotting wood, 51 species are registered on the soil, and 32 species are registered on the tree-trunks. Against the degree of substrate moisture, mosses are represented by 10 ecological groups, among which mesophytes (38%), hygrophytes (10.9%), and mesohygrophytes (9.8%) dominate. Against the degree of substrate nutrition, the most remarkable from the 9 ecological groups are mesotrophs (31.5%), meso-eutrophs (17.4%), and eutrophs (12%).

Malanyuk V.B.

Rare and new for Ukraine species of Amanita Pers. of the Carpathians


Malanyuk V.B. (2013). Rare and new for Ukraine species of Amanita Pers. of the Carpathians. Chornomors’k. b. z., 9 (1): 117-125.


The research were conducted in the Carpathians and the adjacent areas during 2006-2012. The objects of naturе reserve fund of Ivano-Frankivsk region such as Carpathian National Nature Park, Halych National Nature Park, National Nature Park «Hutsulshchyna», Gorgany Nature Reserve  were examined. 18  species of fungi of the genus Amanita Pers. are recorded. The systematical , ecological and phenological characteristics and distribution of studied species are given. One species, namely Amanita lividopallescens (Secr. ex Boud.) Kühner & Romagn., revealed for the first time in Ukraine. Amanita ceciliae (Berk. & Broome) Bas, Amanita franchetii (Boud.) Fayod, Amanita regalis (Fr.) Michael, Amanita strobiliformis (Paulet ex Vittad.) Bertill. should be considered regionally rare in the Carpathians. One species (Amanita solitaria Bull.: (Fr.) Mer.) is listed in the Red data book of  Ukraine. Іn general,there are20 species of the genus Amanita in the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Sadogurskaya S.A.

 The annotated list of  Cyanoprocaryota marine rocky supralittoral  Natural Reserves "Cape Martian"


Sadogurskaya S.A. (2013). The annotated list of  Cyanoprocaryota marine rocky supralittoral  Natural Reserves "Cape Martian". Chornomors’k. b. z., 9 (1): 125-138.


The list of 78 Cyanoprokaryota species in supralittoral zone of the natural reserve has been geven in the article. The greatest number of species are of the familys Oscillatoriaceae – 17 species and Rivulariaceae – 14 species. Among the genera Lyngbya C. Agardh ex Gomont, submitted with nine species is dominant. Genera Calothrix C. Agardh ex Bornet et Flahaultand Plectonema Thur. ex Gomonthave 6 and 5 species respectively, 6 genera are represented by three and four species, two genera – by two species, the rest 12 genera have only one species in each. Generally in the nature reserve there are 27 (34,2%) of brackish water, 23 (29,1%) aerofitic, 18 (22,8%) evribiontov, 7 (8,9%) epiphytic and 4 (5,1%) freshwater species. The overwhelming majority of species are cosmopolitan (57,0%), a large part is temperate zone species – 38,0% and only 5,0% of the species have been recorded in the subtropical zone.

Jarova O.A., Fedoronchuk M.M.

The first in the Left-bank of Middle Cis-Dnipro Area the National Natural Park "Biloosersky"


Jarova O.A., Fedoronchuk M.M. (2013). The first in the Left-bank of Middle Cis-Dnipro Area the National Natural Park "Biloosersky". Сhornomors'k. bot. z., 9 (1): 139-144.


A preliminary results of floristic and coenotic analysis pf phytodiversity of Biloozersky National Natural Park are presented. A list of rare (Epipactis helleborine(L.) Crantz, Stipa borysthenicaKlokov ex Prokud., Astragalus dasyanthus Pall., Adonis vernalis L., Pulsatilla bohemica (Skalický) Tzvelev, Iris sibirica L., Trapa natans L.) and regional rare species, and rare plant communities of the park (Nuphareеta luteae, Nymphaeeta albae, Salvinieta natantis, Trapeta nanantis) are given.

Davidov D.A., Datsuk V.V., Jarotskaya M.O.

Our teacher’s  anniversary!


Davidov D.A., Datsuk V.V., Jarotskaya M.O. (2013). Our teacher’s  anniversary!Сhornomors'k. bot. z., 9 (1): 145-147.


Boiko M.F., Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Moysiyenko I.I., Melnik R.P., Bagrikova N.A.

Prominent researcher of the “aliens” of Ukranian flora


Boiko M.F., Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Moysiyenko I.I., Melnik R.P., Bagrikova N.A. (2013). Prominent researcher of the “aliens” of Ukranian floraСhornomors'k. bot. z., 9 (1): 148-149.


Boіko M.F.

To the creation of Ukrainian steppe zone ecosystem. The first stage


Boіko M.F. (2013). To the creation of Ukrainian steppe zone ecosystem. The first stageСhornomors'k. bot. z., 9 (1): 150-151.


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