Bomanowska A., Kirpluk I., Otręba A.

Invasive plants of the Kampinos National Park outskirts – the current state and threats to the protected area


Bomanowska A., Kirpluk I., Otręba A. (2019). Invasive plants of the Kampinos National Park outskirts – the current state and threats to the protected area. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 102–112. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-1


Studies aimed at the identification of the range and the ways of spread of invasive alien plants in the Kampinos National Park (KNP) outskirts were carried out between 2012 and mid 2018. Special emphasis was placed on surveying the sites of the invasive species and diagnosing potential threats posed to the natural and semi-natural vegetation of the national park by them in rural areas. A floristic survey was carried out on the majority (93 localities) of settlement areas in the vicinity of KNP, in its buffer zone, frequently near the border of the park. Thirty-nine invasive taxa were found which may potentially pose a threat to the ecosystems of KNP. The most frequently identified species included trees and shrubs: Acer negundo, Rhus typhina, Robinia pseudoacacia, Partenocissuss inserta, and herbaceous plants: Conyza canadensis, Erigeron annuus, Solidago serotinoides, S. canadensis. Species encroaching from the settlement areas to semi-natural and natural communities include Bidens frondosa, Echinocystis lobata, Impatiens glandulifera, I. parviflora, Juncus tenuis, Lupinus polyphyllus, Reynoutria japonica, R. xbohemica and Solidago serotinoides. Most of them are species from the highest (III and IV) classes of invasiveness in Poland. The close distance to the Warsaw conurbation, and the road network developed around KNP has certainly affected the number of alien species recorded in the analysed area. Urbanized lands neighbouring the Park are still probably a source from where alien plants disperse to the protected area.

Budzhak V.V., Didukh Ya.P., Chorney I.I., Tokariuk A.I. 

Methodological aspects of prediction of distribution of alien species on the basis of phytoindication


Budzhak V.V., Didukh Ya.P., Chorney I.I., Tokariuk A.I. (2019). Methodological aspects of prediction of distribution of alien species on the basis of phytoindication. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 113–123. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-2


The penetration of the invasive species into the natural habitats will be successful if ecological optimum of most factors for invading species coincides with the stress zone of these factors for the habitat, that means entering the value range of, so called, «reduced coenotic competition». The hypothesis was verified following analysis of 2,736 geobotanical descriptions of plant communities from the territory of Prut and Siret high basins. This flora includes 106 adventive species and 5 species-transformers among them. There was analyzed the coinciding degree of the ranges of model species’ tolerance zones (Erigeron annuus (L.) Desf.(species-transformer), Cichorium intybus L. (invasive species), Sisyrinchium septentrionale E. P. Bicknell (invasive species) and communities towards 12 leading ecological factors such as soil hydrological regimen (Hd), humidification variability (fH), aeration (Ae), acidity (Rc), salification (Tr (Sl)), soil carbonate content (Ca), content of assimilable nitrogen (Nt), thermal regimen (Tm), climate humidity (Om), climate continentality (Kn), climate hardness (Cr), light regimen (Lc)). It was found that the model species are present only in the plant communities, where total overlap of tolerance zones of leading ecological factors reach 80–100%. The authors have formed 3D-models that illustrate correlation between the overlap level of species ecological optimum, stress zone and plant communities ecological optimum, which can be used for estimation of alien species invasive possibilities and detecting potential plant communities for their adoption.

Bezusko L.G., Tsymbalyuk Z.M. 

Distribution of Origanum vulgare (Lamiaceae) in the plain part of Ukraine during the Holocene


Bezusko L.G., Tsymbalyuk Z.M. (2019). Distribution of Origanum vulgare (Lamiaceae) in the plain part of Ukraine during the Holocene. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 124–133. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-3


The generalization of data of pollen paleopalynological studies are provided. This research was didicated to the pollen of the family Lamiaceae as part of palynological characteristics of recent surface soil samples and deposits of the Pleistocene-Holocene of the plain part of Ukraine. It has been established that in the fossil condition pollen of Lamiaceae was identified to the level of family. Very rarely pollen grains in the fossil palinofloras are defined to the genus and species levels. The article presents the results of species-level identification of Origanum vulgare pollen grains in the composition of palynological characteristics on Holocene deposits in 10 sections of the Forest, Forest-Steppe and Steppe zones of Ukraine. For the first time, the spatiotemporal differentiation of distribution patterns of O. vulgare in the Holocene was justified and reconstructed using generalized materials of integral paleofloristic and radiocarbon studies. Pollen morphology of O. vulgare was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen grains are 6-colpate, ellipsoidal or oblate-spheroidal, occasionally spheroidal; medium-sized. Their outline in equatorial view is elliptical, rarely circular, in polar view 6-lobate. Colpi are almost identical in length, narrow, with distinct margins and more or less acute ends. The four mesocolpi are generally narrower, and the other two are wider. Exine sculpture is distinct, bireticulate, colpus membrane psilate-granulate. Diagnostic characters of O. vulgare pollen are reported. It is demonstrated that the diagnostic characters of pollen grains can be used for more accurate identification of fossil pollen grainsto the species level for pollen analysis in Pleistocene-Holocene deposits of Ukraine and adjacent areas.

Markivska L.B., Yavorska O.H., Kuzemko A.A.

Classification of forest vegetation of the national nature park "Karmeliukove Podillya" (Vinnytsya region, Ukraine)


Markivska L.B., Yavorska O.H., Kuzemko A.A. (2019). Classification of forest vegetation of the national nature park "Karmeliukove Podillya" (Vinnytsya region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 134–155. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-4


Сlassification of the broad-leaved forests vegetation of the National Nature Park "Karmeliukove Podillya" has been developed in accordance with Braun-Blanquet approach based on 147 relevés of forest vegetation collected during 2006–2017 and analysed in Juice software using different methods of cluster analysis. The proposed classification includes three associations, three subassociations, five variants and one community without rank which included in two classes – Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae and Quercetea pubescentis. The Carpino-Fagetea sylvaticae class is represented by two associations Galeobdolono lutei-Carpinetum and Isopyro thalictroidis-Carpinetum. The first association is represented on the territory of the park by the subassociation sambucetosum nigrae and has a much more pronounced internal differentiation, since it includes three variants that are formed under different anthropogenic impact. The Quercetea pubescentis class is presented in the park with one association Quercetum pubescenti-roboris with newly described subassociation quercetosum petraeae and two variants, characterized by different microclimatic features. According to the results of phytoindictive assessment of the syntaxa it has been established that edaphic factors play a much greater role in their differentiation than climatic ones. Among them, the most influence on the syntaxa differentiation has factors that determine the soils richness – the salt regime of the soil and the content of the accessible forms of nitrogen in soil. 16 species included in the current edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine were identified as part of the studied vegetation. The most common ones are Sorbus torminalis, Allium ursinum and Viola alba. The studied phytocoenoses of the forest vegetation of the park are typical for the Southeast Podillya, but they have similar features to oak-hornbeam and oak forests of Central and Western Podillya, as well as the Right Bank Prydniprovia. Forest vegetation occupies the most part of the territory of the Karmelіukove Podillya NNP, it is characterized by a rather high floristic and coenotic richness, as well as a significant environmental value, due to the significant participation of rare and endangered species.

Boiko M.F.

Bryobionta of Emerald Network of Ukraine under protection of the Bern Convention


Boiko M.F. (2019). Bryobionta of Emerald Network of Ukraine under protection of the Bern Convention. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 156–170. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-5


The article describes the bryophyte species that are listed in Appendix I of the Bern Convention, adopted in 1979, that are found in Ukraine. These are Dicranum viride (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb. (Dicranaceae), Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myrin (Fontinalaceae), Buxbaumia viridis (Mougeot ex Lam. & DC) Mougeot & Nestler (Buxbaumiaceae), Meesia longiseta Hedw. (Meesiaceae), Hamatocaulis (Drepanocladus) vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenäs (Amblystegiaceae), and Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle (Aytoniaceae). The Ukrainian and Latin names of species, their codes from the Standard Data form of the Emerald website, the biogeographical region of occurrence, general characteristics of the species, its taxonomic positions, scientific value, distribution in the world and in Ukraine, with the indication of physiographic zones and landscapes of Ukraine, including Ukrainian Carpathians (Zacarpattia, Carpathians, Prykarpattia), Crimea (Mountain Crimea, Southern Coast Crimea), Ukrainian Polissia, Nemoral zone (including Opillia, Roztochchia, Western Forest-steppe), Forest-Steppe zone, Steppe zone (including Steppe Crimea), habitat, habitat conditions, photographic image of a species, key factors of the abatement, adopted protection activities, codes of the Emerald sites where the species occurs, necessary protection activities, and the list of literary sources are indicated for each species. Therefore, due to the urgency of the study of plant species, including non-native species included in the annexes of the Berne Conference and the design of the Emerald Nature Network of Ukraine, it is necessary to strengthen the study of populations of these rare species and biotopes in which they grow. This is especially important for species of bryophytes, as the findings of most of them were made long ago. These materials will be used when designing the Emerald Network of Ukraine.

Ustymenko P.M., Dubyna D.V.

Conducting the "Green Book of Ukraine": problems and solutions


Ustymenko P.M., Dubyna D.V. (2019). Conducting the "Green Book of Ukraine": problems and solutions. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 171–184. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-6


This article concentrates on the actual phytosozological task – the improvement of scientific principles and the development of new forms of conservation of the vegetable world in order to ensure the spontaneous development of phytobiota. It is highlighted that one of the mechanisms for ensuring the protection of a rare phytocoenofund is the conducting of the “Green Book of Ukraine”. In connection with the preparation of its second, as the state document of the publication, it becomes evident the need for a critical review of the lists of rare syntaxa, their sozological status, the establishment of the latest phytocoenological studies of rare phytocoenodiversity that needs protection, determination of the level of natural and anthropic transformation of rare plant communities. It is determined that as a result of the critical analysis of the syntaxonomic composition of the rarity phytocoenodiversity of Ukraine and the releves of their phytocoenoses, a number of associations have been identified that need to be clarified. The list of rarity phytocoenofund included syntaxa, the communities of which, as shown by field studies, probably disappeared from their localities due to the effects of natural or anthropic factors. It is established 133 rare associations that included in the “Green Book of Ukraine”, and which require clarification: 90 – forest, 2 – shrub, 29 – steppe, 5 – outcrops and sand, 2 – meadow, 4 – marsh, 1 – water are found among the rare associations included in the Green Book of Ukraine. The authors propose to add 36 new associations to the new edition of the "Green Book of Ukraine" and justify their sozological value. The article contains their list and scientific botanical characteristic. The authors consider that the system of environmental measures for rare plant communities should be systematic, taking into account biological, phytocoenotic, ecological factors, as well as environmental conditions of the region and the level of anthropogenic influence, functional and structural features of rare communities, and the degree of the sozological value.

Moysiyenko І.І., Dayneko P.M., Zachwatowicz M., Dembicz I., Sudnik-Wójcikowska B.

An annotated list of the flora of the projected reserve «Staroshvedskyi» (Kherson region, Ukraine)


Moysiyenko І.І., Dayneko P.M., Zachwatowicz M., Dembicz I., Sudnik-Wójcikowska B. (2019). An annotated list of the flora of the projected reserve «Staroshvedskyi» (Kherson region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15 (2): 185–201. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2019-15-2-7


The planned botanical nature reserve of local importance “Staroshvedskyi” is located in the area of the Zmiivka and Chervonyi Maiak councils, Beryslav District, Kherson Region, Ukraine. The proposed name of the reserve is associated with the existence of a Swedish colony here since the end of the XVIII century. The reserve planned to be built on an area of 263 hectares, including two ravines (so called ‘balkas’: Kostyrska and Shyroka) and a 3,5 kilometers long Dniepro river terrace. The territory is characterized by a wide variety of natural conditions. In addition to dominant steppe habitats, there are also meadows, scrublands, forest plantations and ruderal habitats, outcrops of limestone, loess and clay, limestone cliffs, and the Dniepro Reservoir. A list of the flora of the planned botanical nature reserve “Staroshvedskyi” includes 359 species of vascular plants, which belong to 222 genera, 68 families, 3 classes and 2 divisions. A good representation and a range of natives (279 species, 77.7%), steppe (171 species, 44.8%) and non-synanthropic plants (123 species, 34.2%) indicate a hight level of preservation of the object. The projected reserve shows a high conservation value at the regional, national and international level: ten plant species are included in the Red List of Kherson Province (Amygdalus nana, Bellevalia sarmatica, Bromopsis heterophylla, Ephedra distachya, Hyacinthella leucophaea, Jurinea stoechadifolia, Poa sterilis, Quercus robur, Vinca herbacea and Vitis sylvestris), ten plant species are included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (Astragalus dasyanthus, A. ponticus, Elytrigia stipifolia, Ornithogalum boucheanum, Stipa capillata, S. lessingiana, S. pulcherrima, S. ucrainica, Tulipa biebersteiniana and T. gesneriana), and six vegetation communities are included in the Green Data Book of Ukraine (Amygdaleta nanae, Elytrigieta stipifoliae, Stipeta capillatae, Stipeta lessingianae, Stipeta pulcherrimae, Stipeta ucrainicae). Furthemore, one species (Jurinea cyanoides) and a range of habitats are covered by the Resolution № 4 to the Bern Convention (E1.2. Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes and F3.247 Ponto-Sarmatic deciduous thickets), and by the EU Habitats Directive. Taking the above into account, there is an urgent need to establish the botanical nature reserve of local importance “Staroshvedskyi”.

Khodosovtsev A.Ye.Boiko M.F., Gromakova A.B., Maliuga N.G., Darmostuk V.V. 

Sergei Y. Kondratyuk: 60th birthday





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