Tkachenko V.S.

Changes of ecotopic characteristics in «Yelanets Steppe» Reserve during the first decade since being established


Tkachenko V.S., 2009: Changes of ecotopic characteristics in «Yelanets Steppe» Reserve during the first decade since being established.Сhornomorsk. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 475-490. ISSN 1990-553X


This paper is to continue and amplify the previous report on structural changes of vegetation in Natural Reserve «Yelanets’ky steppe» (1675.7 ha, Mykolayiv, Ukraine). Synphytoindicative assessment of the Reserve was made for the two different time spans with 10 years gap (1997-2007). An ordination of phytoindicative parameters of main communities and different coenotic combinations was executed. The most of steppes and  petrophytic communities are distributed in the zone of very limited water supply. An assumption of destroying impact of frequent fires on steppe vegetation was confirmed. Total range of water supply in the reserve is very large, but the main part of it covers low-changing ecotopes of deep depressions with intrazonal vegetation. There were also strengthening of the soil carbonate content, enrichment of pedosphere with salts, and reduction of the content of nitrogen compounds in soils. Ecotopic changes in «Yelanets’ky Steppe» habitats were unfavorable for the renewal (demutation) of vegetation. Only general aridisation  could cause such direction of changes with intrazonal ecotopes of gully bottoms contrasted with plakor-zonal ones.

Dubyna D.V., Dvoretsky T.V., Timoshenko P.A.

Ecological and floristic features of Festucetea vaginatae communities in Ukraine and perspectives of its conservation


Dubyna D.V., Dvoretsky T.V., Timoshenko P.A. 2009: Ecological and floristic features of Festucetea vaginatae communities in Ukraine and perspectives of its conservation.Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N3: 491-501. ISSN 1990-553X


Ecological and floristic features of Festucetea vaginatae communites in Ukraine are elucidated. Problems of the present state of arts and protection perspectives for these communites are discussed.

Pavlova N.R.

Vegetative mobility in ontomorphogenesis of Potentilla reptans L. (Rosaceae)


Pavlova N.R., 2009: Vegetative mobility in ontomorphogenesis of Potentilla reptans L. (Rosaceae).Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 502-516. ISSN 1990-553X


The data on the shoot formation, types of buds, different age groups of plants and the peculiarities of the specialized and non-specialized vegetative reproduction are given in the article. Five stages of morphogenesis are shown. The features of spatial structure of individuals are described.

Derevyanko N.V.

Results of introduction of ligneous lianas in the SE EF “Novokakhovskoye” (Nikitsky Botanical Garden–National Scientific Center)


Derevyanko N.V., 2009: Results of introduction of ligneous lianas in the SE EF “Novokakhovskoye” (Nikitsky Botanical Garden–National Scientific Center). Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 517-523. ISSN 1990-553X


The results of introduction of 18 species and4hybrid of ligneous lianas are discussed with special emphasis to their overwintering in season 2005-2006.

Kovtun I. V.

Genesis of southern Podolya’s flora


Kovtun I. V., 2009: Genesis of southern Podolya’s flora. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 524-540. ISSN 1990-553X


Florogenetic analysis showed that the studied flora had started forming since last glacial period with being completely migratory. The two types of relicts – the Valday and Atlantic ones – are established.  On the base of synergetic theory the irregularity of specification in time was proved on the different taxonomic levels.

Aksyonov J.V., Rabotyagov V.D.

Alloploids’ synthesis in genus Nepeta L. and their cytological study


Aksyonov J.V., Rabotyagov V.D., 2009: Alloploids’ synthesis in genus Nepeta L. and their cytological study.Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 541-546. ISSN 1990-553X


Alloploid hybrids of Nepeta L. (allotriploid, pentaploid and hexaploid) are obtained by means of hybridization of three spesies: N. transcaucasica, N. grandiflora and N. cataria. Scheme of hybridization is given as well.

Didukh Ya.P., Kuzemko A.A.

New syntaxa of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class from Mountain Crimea


Didukh Ya.P., Kuzemko A.A., 2009: New syntaxa of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class from Mountain Crimea. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 547-562. ISSN 1990-553X


Two associations of the meadow vegetation were described as a new for science on the base of data from Mountain Crimea. The association Trifolio (pratensis)-Brizetum elatioris was included into new alliance Trifolio (pratensis)-Brizion elatioris. Communities of the association are formed at the places of the cut out forests. The association Helictotricho (compressi)-Bistortetum officinalis is belonged to new alliance Helictotricho (compressi)-Bistortion officinalis. Such communities’ formation is connected with karst crater conditions at the yaila’s. These syntaxa were assigned to Arrhenatheretalia order. The differences of the floristic composition in comparison of ordere phytocenoses from the plain regions have been considered. It was noted that phytocenoses of the described syntaxa need a future investigations and comparisons with similar communities from other mountain massive of Europe, Mediterranean especially.

Shevchyk V.L., Senchylo O.O.

Adventive flora of  flood-plain in “Kanivs’ky” Nature Reserve


Shevchyk V.L., Senchylo O.O., 2009: Adventive flora of  flood-plain in “Kanivs’ky” Nature Reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 563-570. ISSN 1990-553X


A list of all adventitious species found in the reserve’s floodplain is presented with their ecocenotic characteristics. Analysis of geographic origin, immigration time, degree of naturalization and expansion, roles in consortia and coenoses, coenology and features of generative process is carried out for adventitious flora. The group of the most expansive adventive species is detected.

Varchenko N.P.

Autphytosozological analysis and checklist of rare exotic dendroflora in reserve terriitories of Poltavs’ka oblast’


Varchenko N.P., 2009: Autphytosozological analysis and checklist of rare exotic dendroflora in reserve terriitories of Poltavs’ka oblast’. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 571-582. ISSN 1990-553X


Author analyzed  which species of rare exotic dendroflora from man-made objects of reserved territories in Poltavskaya oblast’ are listed in IUCN Red List and the European Red Llist. The phytosozological structure of rare exotic dendroflora is developed. By the results of integrated autphytosozological estimations corresponding indexes and classes are determined. Autphytosozological checklist is made with such points: specific  name, family name, life form, historical, phytogeographical importance, phytocoenotype, autphytosozological index et al., including data of protected areas.

Boiko M.F.

The annotated list of Bryophytes of “Yelanetsky step” Nature Reserve and adjacent territory (Mykolaivs’ka oblast’, Ukraine)


Boiko M.F., 2009: The annotated list of Bryophytes of “Yelanetsky step” Nature Reserve and adjacent territory (Mykolaivs’ka oblast’, Ukraine). Chornomors`k. bot. z., vol.5, № 4: 583-588. ISSN 1990-553X


The list of Bryophytes of the reserve is given in the article whith 46 species, including 3 from division Marchantiophyta and 43 – Bryophyta. Pottiaceae family has the greatest number of species – 9, Brachytheciaceae – 6, Bryaceae – 6, Hypnaceae – 5. The Bryum genera dominates with 6 species here. The genera Orthotrichum and Brachythecium have 3 species lach, 9 genera are represented by 2 species, the rest genera have only one species in each.

Zagorodnyuk N.V.

Bryophytes in coenoses of “Opuksky” Nature Reserve


Zagorodnyuk N.V., 2009: Bryophytes in coenoses of “Opuksky” Nature Reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, №4: 589-598. ISSN 1990-553X


The articles present a checklist of Opuksky Nature Reserve mosses, which includes 49 species, 5 forms, 6 varieties. The structural features of bryoflora is briefly reviewed.

Ordynets O.V.

New for Ukraine species of corticioid fungi from “Svyaty Gory” National Nature Park


Ordynets O.V., 2009:New for Ukraine species of corticioid fungi from “Svyaty Gory” National Nature Park. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol. 5, N4: 599-608. ISSN 1990-553X


Data about 5 species of corticioid fungi which are reported as new for Ukraine are provided. Among them Botryodasidium candicans J. Erikss. in anamorphous stage Haplotrichum capitatum (Link: Fr.) Willd., Bulbillomyces farinosus (Bres.) Jülich in anamorphous stage Aegerita candida Pers: Fr., Erythricium hypnophilum (P. Karst.) J. Erikss. et Hjortstam, Peniophora erikssonii Boidin and Tulasnella deliquescens (Juel) Juel. Description of specimens, drawings of their microstructures, information about substrats and locality, as well as data about substrate preferences and distribution of these species in the world is presented.

Gavrylenko L.M., Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Naumovich G.O.

Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum (Lasch) Diederich & Schultheis – new for Ukraine lichenicolous fungus


Gavrylenko L.M., Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Naumovich G.O. 2009: Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum (Lasch) Diederich & Schultheis – new for Ukraine lichenicolous fungus. Chornomors'k. bot. z., vol. 5, N 4: 609-611. ISSN 1990-553X


The locations, ecology and general distribution of the new for Ukraine lichenicolous fungus Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum (Lasch) Diederich & Schultheis are given in the article. The species isdetermined to be aparasite of the corticolous lichenes Physcia and Xanthoria.

Moysiyenko I.I., Kolomiychuk V.P., Bioko M.F., Khodosovtsev O.E., Vondrák J., Naumovych G.O., Khodosovtseva Yu.A.

The first report of the Colchicum ancyrense B.L. Burtt for Khersons’ka oblast’ (Ukraine)


Moysiyenko I.I., Kolomiychuk V.P., Bioko M.F., Khodosovtsev O.E., Vondrák J., Naumovych G.O., Khodosovtseva Yu.A. 2009: The first report of the Colchicum ancyrense B.L. Burtt for Khersons’ka oblast’ (Ukraine).Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol.5, N 4: 612-616. ISSN 1990-553X


Data about Colchicum ancyrense B.L. Burtt. (Red Data Book of Ukraine) as a new species for the Kherson region are provided.

Solonenko A.M., Iarovyi S.O.

An annotated list of algae for salt marshes in Stepanivska kosa


Solonenko A.M., Iarovyi S.O., 2009:An annotated list of algae for salt marshes in Stepanivska kosa. Chornomors’k. bot. z., vol.5, N 4: 617-628. ISSN 1990-553X


Data about species of Algae in Stepanivska kosa salt marshes are given with number of their findings in different geographical zones of Ukraine.