Scherbakova О.F., Novosad К.V.

Biomorphological analysis rarety of the urban flora сomponent of Kyiv megapolіs


Scherbakova О.F., Novosad К.V. (2017). Biomorphological analysis rarety of the urban flora сomponent of Kyiv megapolіs. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 6-24. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/1.


This research focuses on the urban flora components of Kiev megapolis rarity, which includes 151 species of vascular plants (15 % аboriginal fraction), with international, national and regional sozological status. Based on biomorphological analysis of the results it was revealed that among the main components of the rarity biomes herbaceous polycarpic are predominant (132; 87,4 %); among the types of root systems – plant with adventitious roots (119; 78,8 %); the aerial shoots – shortened rosette (92; 61,0 %); underground shoots – short- and elongated rhizome (89; 59,0 %) species. By the nature of vegetation summer vegetation (91; 60,3 %) and summer and winter (35; 23,2 %) species are dominant. The predominant species are monocentric biomorphs (71; 47,0 %). In ecomorphs spectrum among klimamorf geophytes (54; 35,8 %) and hemicryptophytes (50; 33,1 %) are dominant. Analysis of biomorfological features of rare species allowed to establish their adaptability to a wide range of ecological conditions, coenotic suburbanzone of Kiev megapolіs.

Shyian N.М. 

Lectotypification some names of infraspecific taxa of Acer campestre L. (Sapindaceae), described by O.Н Radde-Fomina


Shyian N.М. (2017). Lectotypification some names of infraspecific taxa of Acer campestre L. (Sapindaceae), described by O.Н Radde-Fomina.Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 25-32. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/2.


By studying of the collection of the National Herbarium of Ukraine (KW) – the Herbarium of the M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the NAS of Ukraine – we found numerous authentic materials from the genus Acer L. (Sapindaceae) that served for O.H. Radde-Fomina for describe her new taxa, and that needing the clarification of their category. As a result of study these specimens, we lectotypificated four infraspecific names of Acer campestre L.: A. campestre subsp. austriacum (Tratt.) Radde-Fom. var. subintegrum Radde-Fom., A. campestre  subsp. lobatum (Pax) Radde-Fom. var. parvifolium Radde-Fom., A. campestre subsp. lobatum (Pax) Radde-Fom. var. transiens Radde-Fom. and A. campestre subsp. marsicum (Guss.) Radde-Fom. var. schistosum Radde-Fom. For each taxa, the following data are provided: basionym; type according to the protologue, nomenclatural type and its location.

Dremliugа N.G., Futorna O.A.

Morphological characteristics of the seeds in species of section Rapunculus(Fourr.) Boiss. of the genus Campanula L. in the flora of Ukraine


Dremliugа N.G., Futorna O.A.(2017).Morphological characteristics of the seeds in species of section Rapunculus(Fourr.) Boiss. of the genus Campanula L. in the flora of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 33-42. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/3.


Comparative and morphological analysis of seeds in six species (C. abietina,C. altaica,C. carpatica, C. patula,C. persicifolia,C. rapunculus) of section Rapunculus of genus Campanula in the flora of Ukraine was studied. The morphological peculiarities of winge, rafe, rib, cuticle, antiklinal and periklinal walls, exine surface and morphometric indexes were investigated. The common features (lack of pubescence; shine; brown colour; linear, basal rib; polygonal, clear scope taste cells; evenly thickened direct antiklinal walls) and specific ones (oval-elliptic, obovatus, elliptic-elongated form, long-, shortfurrowed or equel-areoled ultrastructure of the surface) have been revealed. The seria PersicifoliaeDremliuga ser. nov. prov. has been offered for description. 

Popova O.M.

Medicinal plants of the National Nature Park “Tuzlovski limany”: species diversity, approximate estimation of the resources


Popova O.M. (2017).Medicinal plants of the National Nature Park “Tuzlovski limany”: species diversity, approximate estimation of the resources. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 43-56. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/4.


The medicinal plant species diversity of the National Nature Park “Tuzlovski lymany” consists of 403 species from 76 families. It's 70,5 % of the total flora of the park and almost twice the proportion of medicinal plants in the Ukrainian flora (37 %). Families Lamiaceae (94,7 %), Brassicaceae (93,3 %), Apiaceae (87,5 %) and Asteraceae (74,0 %) are especially rich in medicinal plants. The annuals and biennials are dominated among the life forms (184 species, 45,7 %), there are 155 herbaceous perennials (15,8 % less). The proportion of woody plants is 12,7 % (51 species). Anthropophyton is the richest florotsenotype (130 species), followed by Steppophyton (98 species, 23.8%), Drymophyton is the third (74 species, 18,4 %). Medicinal flora of the NNP “Tuzlovski lymany” includes 47 officinal, 269 non-officinal and 87 potential medicinal species. The underground plant organs are medicinal plant material of nearly a fifth of all the plants (17,6 %), 68,7 % medicinal plants gives “herb” as medicinal material. Species with non-commercial reserves are dominated (228 species, 56,6 %), 137 species (34,0 %) don't have reserves, reserves of 24 protected species aren't available (6,0 %). Researves of 13 species are described as commercial. Two officinal species (Matricaria recutita, Conium maculatum) have commercial researves, 31 – non-commercial, 5 species havn't researves, researves of two species aren't available. The limitations in medicine plant collection are detailed in the park.

Kozyr M.S., Zhyhalenko O.A., Kalyta A. O.

Meadows of floodplain complex in Kyiv city


Kozyr M.S., Zhyhalenko O.A., Kalyta A. O. (2017). Meadows of floodplain complex in Kyiv city. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 57-71. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/5.


Meadow vegetation of floodplain complex in Kyiv city are presented by 2 classes, 5 orders, 10 alliances and 25 associations. The most cenotical diversity belongs to Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. The phytocenosis of associations Poo palustris-Alopecuretum pratensis, Trifolio-Festucetum rubrae, Koelerio-Agrostietum vinealis are most widely represented, they have 44,92 % of all our releves from phytocenosis. Species diversity of phytocenosis of Pragmiti-Magno-Caricetea are much less presented than Molinio-Arrhenatheretea communities. Iris sibirica, rare species from Red book of Ukraine, was found in 7 associations. These asociations are Agrostio vinealis-Calamagrostietum epigei, Festucetum pratensis, Koelerio-Agrostietum vinealis, Lysimachio vulgaris-Filipenduletum, Agrostio giganteae-Festucetum pratensis, Poetum pratensis, Poo palustris-Alopecuretum pratensis.

Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Darmostuk V.V., Panchenko S.M.

Lichens of Desniansko-Starogutsky National Nature Park


Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Darmostuk V.V., Panchenko S.M. (2017). Lichens of Desniansko-Starogutsky National Nature Park. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 72-86. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/6.


146 species of the lichens on Desniansko-Starogutski National Nature Park (Sumy region, Seredyno-Budsky district) were given. Among them Сalicium glaucellum, Chaenotheca laevigata, C. xyloxena, Lecanora compallens, Protoparmelia oleagina, Rinodina efflorescens, Xylographa vitiligo are new species for plain part of Ukraine. 76 species are new for the national park. The Starogutska part of the park is represented by 115 species of the lichens in contrast of Desnjanska part has 80 species only. 126 species of the lichens were corticolous. Low number of the woodland key habitat-indicator lichens related with intensive forestry on this territory to the creation of the national park. Evernia mesomorpha and Punctelia jeckeri are recommended to the Red Data List of the Sumy region. The annotated list of the species is provided. 

Korolyova O.V.

Ecological-trophic differentiation of species composition of Dothideomycetes from the steppe zone of Ukraine


Korolyova O.V. (2017). Ecological-trophic differentiation of species composition of Dothideomycetes from the steppe zone of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 87-98. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/7.


The ecological and trophic features of 272 species of Dothideomycetes from the steppe zone of Ukraine have been studied. According to the trophic specialization 201 species belong to saprotrophs, 69 species – to gemibiotrophs, 2 species – to biotrophs. Over the substrate characteristics a majority of species are phytotrophs (265 species, 97 %), associated with 353 species of vascular plants from 187 genera 69 families; coprotrophs account for 7 species. The most numerous is the xylotrophs group (118 species), gerbotrophs is represented by 93 species, fyllotrophs – by 54 species. We have analyzed the taxonomic composition of trophic and substrate groups, also the ecological characteristics of individual representatives. The ecological characters of species distribution in plant communities of the study area were discussed.

Zhyhalenko O.A., Andrienko-Maliuk T.L.

 Territories and objects of natural reserve fund as parts of Ichnianskyi National Nature Park


Zhyhalenko O.A., Andrienko-Maliuk T.L. (2017). Territories and objects of natural reserve fund as parts of Ichnianskyi National Nature Park. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 99-107. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/8.


Ichnianskyi National Nature Park was created in 2004. It includes 10 protected areas of other categories: Dendrological park of national importance "Trostianets" hydrological reserves "Kniazky" and "Dovhyi Yar", landscape reserves "Urochyshche Kuty" and "Volyk", forest reserves "Kuty" "Sofiivka-Romanivshchyna" and "Dovhyi Yar", natural reserve "Sofiivka", botanical monument of nature of local importance "Bahatovikovyi Dub". Information on vegetation of all these areas is provided. It was found that forest and landscape reserves have similar coenotic and floristic composition but different degrees of preservation. Based on the study results, it is recommended to reorganize the objects in connection with their inclusion in the Ichnianskyi National Nature Park, the conservation status of which is higher, as well as make changes to the zoning. More valuable areas (sq. 23–26, 37, 43, 46–52, 57–60, 75–77 of Zhadkivske forestry) are recommended for inclusion in the protected zone, and less valuable (sq. 35, 36, 41, 42 of Zhadkivske forestry) – in the zone of the regulated recreation, limiting the access of visitors. This will help to ensure adequate protection of indigenous natural compexes of Ichnianskyi National Nature Park.

Shol’ H.N.

The rarity component of the urban flora of Kryvyi Rih and ways of its conservation


Shol’ H.N. (2017). The rarity component of the urban flora of Kryvyi Rih and ways of its conservation. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 108-118. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/9.


The annotaded list of rare and threatened species of the flora of Kryvyi Rih that includes 157 species of vascular plants with international, national and regional phytosozological status is presented. Of this number, actually 14 species belong to category 0 (disappeared species), 40 species – to category 1 (vanishing), 33 species – to category 2 (vulnerable), 59 species – to category 3 (rare), 11 species – to category 4 (indefinite species). Most plants that are guarded contain families of Asteraceae (16 species), Fabaceae (12), Rosaceae and Poaceae (for 11 species). Except guard of species in the network of objects of the naturally-protected fund for the industrial regions additional ways of conservation of rare and vanishing species of natural flora are needed: cultivation in botanical gardens, deployment in planting of greenery of city and for recultivation of broken lands.

Moysienko I.I., Zakharova M.Ya., Skrebovska S.V., Moysienko M.I.

New finds of species of the genus Asplenium L. in Kherson region


Moysienko I.I., Zakharova M.Ya., Skrebovska S.V., Moysienko M.I. (2017). New finds of species of the genus Asplenium L. in Kherson region. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13 (1): 119-123. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/17.131/10.


Asplenium ceterach L. and Asplenium trichomanes L.were firstly found for Kherson region. First species was collected in Chervonyi Mayak village, Berislav district, Kherson region, and second was found in Kherson city. Both species grow on the building walls. The ecological characters, habitats and population state were studied. 

Khodosovtsev A., Moysiyenko I., Melnyk R., Pavlov V., Zahorodniuk N.
Mikhail Fedoseevich Boiko: to the teacher’s 75th anniversary
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