Tarieiev A.S., Bojko V.R., Moysiyenko I.I., Kostikov I.Yu.

Similarity of Betula borysthenica Klokov with intraspecific taxa of Betula pubescens Ehrh.


Tarieiev A.S., Bojko V.R., Moysiyenko I.I., Kostikov I.Yu. (2013). Similarity of Betula borysthenica Klokov with intraspecific taxa of Betula pubescens Ehrh. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 158-169.


The article is on the new data about taxonomical status of the endemic species Betula borysthenica Klokov, which is listed in The Red Book of Ukraine. The data were obtained by chemotaxonomic, morphological and molecular genetic approaches. Based on the results of gel-electrophoresis of soluble seed storage proteins and morphology of seedlings some isolation of B. borysthenica from other taxa are shown. The application of two genetic markers – noncoding spacer sequence of ITS1 from nuclear genome and partial sequence of plastid gene rbcL, which are usually used for DNA-barcoding,  showed no significant differences for distinguishing different taxa. The taxonomical status of B. borysthenica remains under discussion now.

Bondarenko O.Ju., Krukova G.M.

About Glaucium flavum Crantz (Papaveraceae) in the Odessa region


Bondarenko O.Ju., Krukova G.M. (2013). About Glaucium flavum Crantz (Papaveraceae) in the Odessa region. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 170-174.


A few plants of the Glaucium flavum were found out in July 2012 on the territory of the National park «Tuzlivski lymany». This is the European-Mediterranean species, which is distributed on the north border of natural habitat, included in the Red book of Ukraine. This species was not found before on the territory of the Odessa region. The plants grew on a sandy area, covered  large cockleshells, between lake Shagany and lake Small Sasyk.

Tkachuk О.O., Nuzhyna N.V.

Characteristics of anatomical structure of new growths of ageing roses roots


Tkachuk О.O., Nuzhyna N.V. (2013). Characteristics of anatomical structure of new growths of ageing roses roots. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 175-179.


This article presents the results of studying the characteristics of aging the garden roses under introduction. The study of the ontogeny of the roses planted to aging found that the hybrid tea, grandiflora and floribunda cultivars are able to resume 40–48 growth of shoots. Then ageing of plants starts, which greatly reduces their regenerative ability, ornamental and productive qualities. On the roots of a large part of the 11–17-уear-olds bushes tumor was formed. It is the result of reducing of the resistance of the aging organism to bacterial, viral and fungal diseases. Tumor on ageing roses roots, indefinitely increasing in size as a result of the pathological dividing cumbium, gradually causing irreversible disturbance of the vital functions of plant organism and eventually lead to their death.

†Kuzmichev A.I., Ershov I.Yu., Krasnova A.N., Dzhalalova M.I.

The Littoral of the Terek-Kuma Lowland of Republic of Dagestan – an Ecotone in the System of Modern Knowledge


Kuzmichev A.I., Ershov I.Yu., Krasnova A.N., Dzhalalova M.I. (2013). The Littoral of the Terek-Kuma Lowland of Republic of Dagestan – an Ecotone in the System of Modern Knowledge. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 180-190.


The littoral of the Terek-Kuma lowland in Republic of Dagestan is an ancient territory which was subjected to numerous catastrophes associated with extinction of the Tethys Ocean. Hydrophytes had a large taxonomic diversity in Paleogene and Neogene. In Sarmatian Basin genera Euryale and Brasenia disappeared at the beginning of Pliocene as a result of borealization and climate continentalization. The initial macrothermal forms in genera Nymphaea, Nuphar, Stratiotes, Ceratophyllum, Trapa, Azolla, Salvinia and Marsilea disappeared. The connection of the Caspian Sea with eastern seas and western basin was disrupted in Oligocene. From akchagyla the oecesis and the spreading of hydrophytes was repeatedly interrupted because of instability of the Caspian Sea and anthropogenic factors that resulted in decrease of the species formation in families Trapaceae и Nelumbonaceae. Hydrophytobiota in the littoral of the Terek-Kuma lowland is rather vulnerable. Instability of the environment factors which are important for its existence a specific composition and structure of the ecotone in the Tura floristic province was determined.

Klepets O.V., Karpova G.О.

Structure of  hydrophilous flora in the middle course of the river Vorskla


Klepets O.V., Karpova G.О. (2013).  Structure of  hydrophilous flora in the middle course of the river Vorskla. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 191-202.


Short history of floristic study of the Left-bank Forest-steppe watercourses and particularly of the river Vorskla was shown.The species composition of higher flora in the Vorskla river’s middle course with its aquatic component in a focus was clarified and its comparative structural analysis was carried out. The peculiarities of studied flora related with natural conditions and anthropogenical influence to the river and its floodplane were determined. It was noted the leading role of synanthropization processes of riverine biotopes in forming of river’s floristic diversity (148 species of  higher plants). In structure of  higher aquatic flora in the Vorskla river’s middle course the true water plants, presented by herbaceous perennials with wide areas, are quantitatively prevail. Among 52 species of higher aquatic flora 3 ones are the first given for the researched region.

Netreba E., Fedorenko A., Maksymenko A.

Research of growth-regulating activity of some coordination compounds of spirokarbon on plants


Netreba E., Fedorenko A., Maksymenko A. (2013). Research of growth-regulating activity of some coordination compounds of spirokarbon on plants.  Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 203-213.


Investigation of the growth-regulating effect of coordination compounds of spirokarbon was performed on seeds of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) varieties "Newbie", winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties "Zemlyachka Odessa", sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) varieties "Gourmand" and winter barley (Hordeum L.) varieties "Decent". Phytohormonal impact on monocotyledons was more prominent than on dicotyledons. Stimulating effect on almost all biometric parameters of winter wheat was observed.

Kuz' I.A. 

Syntaxonomy of bogs vegetation of Middle Pridnistrov’ya (class Phragmitо-Magnocaricetea, order Phragmitetalia): description of syntaxons, synekology and synhorology


Kuz' I.A. (2013). Syntaxonomy of bogs vegetation of Middle Pridnistrov’ya (class Phragmitо-Magnocaricetea, order Phragmitetalia): description of syntaxons, synekology and synhorology. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 214-225.


Syntaxonomy scheme class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea swamps Middle of Transnistria on the basis of ecological-floristic method was developed. The class consists of 18 associations that relate to 5 unions and 3 orders of magnitude: Phragmitetalia, Nasturtio-Glycerietalia and Magnocaricetalia. The order Phragmitetalia, which communities are common to all types of bogs represents the greatest scientific and practical interest. It is founded of one union – Phragmition communis, which consists of 6 associations. On the basis of own researches syntaxonomy characteristics and coenotic analysis of the identified groups, marked by the peculiarities of community of class was conducted. The association  of Phragmitetum  communis appeared to be the most widespread presented on all types of bogs. Association Sparganietum erecti wasfound only in one bog array.

Gerasimiuk V.P., Gerasimiuk N.V., Litovchak Ya. L.

Microphytobenthos of Kuchurgan estuary


Gerasimiuk V.P., Gerasimiuk N.V., Litovchak Ya. L. (2013). Microphytobenthos of Kuchurgan estuary. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2):  226- 237.


In total in the microphytobenthos of Kuchurgan estuary were found 122 species of algae, which belonged to 62 genera, 35 families, 21 orders, 9 classes and 6 divisions. First for this reservoirs 11 species algae were resulted. Among specific composition new species were found for the reservoir of North-Western Black Sea Coast (7 species) and rare for territory of Ukraine (6). After specific composition the representatives of division of Bacillariophyta (100 species) prevailed above the amount of species from the division of Cyanophyta (11), Chlorophyta (6), Streptophyta (2), Euglenophyta (2) and Dinophyta (1). Sorenson similarity coefficient-Czekanowski and Zhakara between algal flora Kuchurgan estuary and river Dniester were 0,57 and 0,40 respectively, and slightly higher than those between flora and Kuchurgan and Dniester estuaries (0,53 and 0,36) and Kuchurgan estuary and river Kuchurgan (0,47 and 0,31).

Iarovyi S.O.

Algae from the seacost solonchaks Prisivashsko - Priazovskoi of physio-geographical area of Ukraine


Iarovyi S.O. (2013). Algae from the seacost solonchaks Prisivashsko - Priazovskoi of physio-geographical area of Ukraine. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 238-256.


The results of algae investigation from the seacost solonchaks in Pryazovskyi region are presented. 140 species and intraspecial taxa were found from the phylum: Cyanophyta - 69 species (76 intraspecial taxa), Chlorophyta – 44 species (45 intraspecial taxa), Bacillariophyta – 16 species, Xanthophyta – 3 species.

The dominating families, genera and specific species for solonchak soil (18 species) were identified. Distribution and ecotopical analyses of the algae that were found on the territory of Ukraine are given. 4 new species for the flora of Ukraine were described: Chroococcus pulcherrimus, Pseudanabaena limnetica, Oscillatoria salina, Pseudendoclonium sp. 7 algal communities and 4 synusias that forms macroscopical growth on the solonchak’s soil surface are defined.

Gapon S.V.

Bryocommunities  of naturalvegetation types of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe


Gapon S.V. (2013). Bryocommunities  of naturalvegetation types of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 257-264.


The results of the distribution of bryocommunities in natural vegetation types of the Ukrainian Forest-Steppe are given.  The moss vegetation of zonal (broadleaf forests and meadow steppes) vegetation types, extrazonal (pine and oak-pine forests) and azonic vegetation types (marshes, meadows, small deciduous forests, stone, chalky, loessial outcrops) is characterized. The bryofloral features and bryosyntaxonomical differentiation of plant communities that were studied are defined.  The characteristics of epigeic, epiphytic, epixylic and epilithic moss vegetation and its affinity to the respective ecotypes are given. 36 associations, 8 subassociations,  22 moss communities of moss vegetation that belongs to 9 classes, 13 orders, 18 alliances are  analyzed by the types of vegetation. Their substrate affinity and frequency of occurrence are given.

Nadyeina O.V.

The epiphytic-epixylic species of the genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray with Physcia-spores in Ukraine


Nadyeina O.V. (2013). The epiphytic-epixylic species of the genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray with Physcia-spores in Ukraine. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 265-274.


The multi-substrate and cosmopolite genus Rinodinacomprises several groups of species, which distinctly prefer epiphytic-epixylic, terricolous-muscicolous or saxicolous substrates. Several species of epiphytic-epixylic speciation possess similar morphology, however they are different according to inner apothecium structure and spore’ characteristics, as well as secondary chemistry. The present paper deal with species of Rinodina with 2-celled spores of Physcia-type, which have a lecanorine or pseudolecanorine apothecia and thallus without vegetative propagules. These species are represented in Ukraine by R. albana, R. capensis, R. exigua, R. laevigata and R. septentrionalis. The key for the species delimitation is recorded. The necessity to observe a different stage of the spore’s development and checking of the micro-slide in KOH is stressed, as it provides features essential for the species identification. The detailed localities of the species in Ukraine are given. Additionally, we recorded several locations of the studied species from Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria and Russian Federation.

Boiko M.F.

Вryophytes of agrocoenoses of plain Ukraine


Boiko M.F. (2013). Вryophytes of agrocoenoses of plain Ukraine.  Chornomors’k. b.z., 9 (2):275-282.


It was found that the agrobrioflora plain in Ukraine has 45 species of bryophytes (5,4% of all species of bryophytes Ukraine). Anthocerotophyta is presented by 3 species of 2 genera family Anthocerotaceae, Marchantiophyta is represented by 5 species, 3 genera and 3 families – Ricciaceae (6,8% species composition), Cephaloziellaceae and Fossombroniaceae (2.3%), Bryophyta is presented by  37 species 21 genus 8 families. The representatives of the dominant families are the following: Pottiaceae (33.4% of species), Bryaceae (15,6%) and Funariaceae (13,3%), and Anthocerotaceae, Dicranaceae, Ditrichaceae and Ricciaceae – to 6,6% of the species composition. It is mainly heliophyte, species with life-form of loose turf, monoecious or dioecious, mezokserofits and mezogigrofits, intsertofils and kaltsefils, evtrofs and mesotrophes, aridals and nemorals with holarctic or bipolar habitat.

Vakarenko L.P., Dubyna D.V.

The vegetation of  Tarutinskyi steppe (Odessa oblast’) and problems of its protection


Vakarenko L.P., Dubyna D.V. (2013).  The vegetation of  Tarutinskyi steppe (Odessa oblast’) and problems of its protection. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 283-291.


Results are presented of the vegetation study of the former Tarutinskyi military polygon (sq. 24521,19  ha). For the first time ever a vegetation map has been compiled, setting the ground for further monitoring of the vegetation. Information is given upon the main syntaxa of vegetation on the site, their dynamics. A specific of the vegetation of the territory is the predomination of the plant communities Bothriochloeta ischaemi. Rather quick increase the territories occupied by the Stipeta lessingianae and Stipeta capillatae communitiesare observed, that means of  the active processes of steppe restoration. Nature value of the Tarutinskyu steppe and a necessity of its conservation as the regional landscape park (sq. 5200 ha) have been substantiated.

Moysiyenko I.І., Shaposhnikova A.О.

Annotated list of vascular plants the projected regional landscape park «Valley of kurgans» (Kherson, Ukraine)


Moysiyenko I.І., Shaposhnikova A.О.  (2013). Annotated list of vascular plants the projected regional landscape park «Valley of kurgans» (Kherson, Ukraine).Chornomors’k bot. z.,  9 (2): 292-299.


The natural landmark "Valley of Kurgans" is situated within coastal solonchak plain formed near the Yagorlitsky Bay of the Black Sea. In this area a rare habitat in Ukraine, which in Europe is called «saltmarsch» is represented. It is an unique place in terms of valuable halophytic vegetation and also of the huge number of kurgans located in this area. For the conservation of such diversity the creation of regional landscape park is proposed. Тhе annotated list of the vascular plants «Valley of Kurgans» includes 333 species of vascular plants belonging to 194 genera and 45 families, 2 classis, 2 divisions. Among them, 16 species are included to the different Red List.

Gubanova T.B., Вrailko V.A.

Comparative characteristics for the resistance of some evergreen and deciduous introducted plants from the collection of Nikitsky Botanical Garden to the weather conditions during the winter 2011-2012


Gubanova T.B., Вrailko V.A. (2013). Comparative characteristics for the resistance of some evergreen and deciduous introducted plants from the collection of Nikitsky Botanical Garden to the weather conditions during the winter 2011-2012. Chornomors’k bot. z., 9 (2): 300-308.


Characteristics of frost- and winter resistance for some plant species of different origin from the NBG collection in the connection with the weather conditions during the winter 2012 have been given. The connection between the degree of the frost damages and microclimatic conditions of the growing territory, advective and radiational weather has been demonstrated. It has been found out that advective reduce of the air temperature to – 7,9…–90C united with the low air humidity and strong wind brought more considerable damages than radiational cooling to –100 С. ...–11,90 С. It has been determined that variegated forms of Euonymus japonicus, Вuxus simpervirens, Aucuba japonica are less resistant to the both - radiational and advective weather in the comparison with resistant forms. As the result of the correlation of frost damages intensity for the evergreen and deciduous introducted plants in the families Caprifoliaceae and Berberidaceae, data of their potential frost resistance and meanings of the equivalent-effective and real temperatures on the territory of NBG-NSC has been concluded that for most species advective weather is the most dangerous as this weather type contributes to the effective temperatures` reduce to the border level and even lower. Determination of the critical temperatures` borders for decorative introducted plants, meanings of the effective temperatures and probability of their coming are significant parameters for species assortment selection and park designing.


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