Dubyna D.V., Dziuba T.P., Yemelianova S.М.

The coenotic diversity of the coastal psammophytic vegetation of Ukraine: a phytosozological aspect


Dubyna D.V., Dziuba T.P., Yemelianova S.М., 2011: The coenotic diversity of the coastal psammophytic vegetation of Ukraine: a phytosozological aspect. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 205-214. ISSN 1990-553X


The coastal psammophytic vegetation of Ukraine comprises coenoses which belong to 47 assosiatoins, 7 unions, 4 orders and 4 classes: Cakiletea maritimae, Ammophiletea, Festucetea vaginatae and Nerio-Tamaricetea, all of high rarity. The class Cakiletea maritimae includes four associations which belong to the first conservation category. In the class Ammophiletea three associations fall into the first conservation category and three - to the third one. The majority of coastal plant communities of class Festucetea vaginatae belong to the first (8 associations) and third (2 associations) conservation categories. Two of four associations of Nerio-Tamaricetea have the highest synsozological status,  and another association has the fourth conservation category. Regionally, the highest degree of rarity has the coastal psammophytic vegetation of the Azov sand banks. The Dzharylgach and Tendra islands, Kinburn sand bank and seashore territories of Kiliyan Arm of Danube are rich on rare associations. Coastal regions of the Crimea, Syvash and North-Western Black Sea have comparatively less rare plant communities.

Kuzemko A.A.

Concept of association in a modern phytosociology


Kuzemko A.A., 2011: Concept of association in a modern phytosociology. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 215-229. ISSN 1990-553X


The state of arts in the field of phytosociology in Europe is elucidated with special emphasis to association concept and its use for classification of Ukrainian vegetation.

Bezsmertna O.O., Vasheka O.V., Mashkovska S.P.

Representation of autochthonous  species of division Pоlypodiophyta in Ukraine Botanical gardens and arboretums


Bezsmertna O.O., Vasheka O.V., Mashkovska S.P., 2011: Representation of autochthonous  species of division Pоlypodiophyta in Ukraine Botanical gardens and arboretums. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 230-237. ISSN 1990-553X


The representation of autochthonous species of Polypodiophyta in Ukrainian botanical gardens and arboretums is analysed. Several fern species are recommended for further introduction with purpose of biodiversity conservation.

Kupriushina L.V., Ostapko V.M., Kolomiychuk V.P.

Phytocoenotic Features of Caragana scythica (Kom.) Pojark. (Fabaceae Lindl.) in the Donetsko-Priazovsky region


Kupriushina L.V., Ostapko V.M., Kolomiychuk V.P., 2011: Phytocoenotic Features of Caragana scythica (Kom.) Pojark. (Fabaceae Lindl.) in the Donetsko-Priazovsky region. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 238-252. ISSN 1990-553X


Phytocoenotic features of the relictual endemic Caragana scythica (Kom.) Pojark. (Fabaceae Lindl.) in the Donetsko-Priazovsky region is studied. Ecotopic and phytocoenotic characteristics of 32 localities is given. Core species of the phytocoenoses under consideration are distinguished, phytocoenotic connections of the species are also revealed and analyzed. Basing on positive association with C. scythica, the species Festuca valesiaca Gaudin, Galatella villosa Rchb. f., Bromopsis riparia (Rehmann) Holub, Salvia nutans L., Euphorbia seguieriana Neck. have been pointed out as a floristic complex, i.e. a biomarker of probable habitats for this species.

Shapoval V.V.

To history of floristic search of the Askanian steppe in XIX–XXІ century: inventory results and critical comments


Shapoval V.V. 2011: To history of floristic search of the Askanian steppe in XIX–XXІ century: inventory results and critical comments. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 253-266. ISSN 1990-553X


Detailed description of inventories of vascular flora of the Ascanian steppe during XIX–XX centuries and results of original researches in 2003–2010 are given in the paper. The results of all floristic inventories are collected firstly into a unified nomenclatural checklist with general taxonomic interpretation. According to analysis of previous floristic works, current observations and critical revision of herbarium collections, a synopsis of vascular flora of the core area of the Biosphere Reserve «Asсania Nova» includes 509 species whith 33 species recorded firstly. 73 species are excluded from the list, 26 species still have critical taxonomic status.

Bagrikova N.A.

On the syntaxonomy of segetal communities of the Kherson region


Bagrikova N.A., 2011: On the syntaxonomy of segetal communities of the Kherson region. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 267-275. ISSN 1990-553X


In the article the results of syntaxonomical, cluster and ordinational analysis of segetal communities of the orchards, vineyards and sunflower’s fields of the Kherson region are given. Syntaxonomical scheme includes 6 associaions, 5 alliances, 2 orders of the class Stellarietea mediae.

Kryvenda A.A. Bova D.O.

About Diatom’s Study of Kozache-Lagers’ka Arena in the “Oleshkivs’ki Piski” National Nature Park (Ukraine)


Kryvenda A.A. Bova D.O., 2011: About Diatom’s Study of Kozache-Lagers’ka Arena in the “Oleshkivs’ki Piski” National Nature Park (Ukraine).Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 276-282. ISSN 1990-553X


Data on diatoms species composition of National Nature Park “Oleshkivski Piski” are given for the first time. The checklist consists of 46 species with 3 of them new to Ukraine, such as Navicula vilaplanii (Lange–Bert. et Sabater) Lange–Bert. et Sabater, Pinnularia sinistra Krammer and Stauroneis obtusa Lagerstedt.

Babenko О.A., Tkachenko F.P., Dzhagan V.V., Zykova M.O.

Macroscopic ascomycetes of Pezizales in the Nоrthen part оf the Black Sea region


Babenko О.A., Tkachenko F.P., Dzhagan V.V., Zykova M.O., 2011: Macroscopic ascomycetes of Pezizales in the Nоrthen part оf the Black Sea region. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 283-291. ISSN 1990-553X


12 species of macroscopic ascomycetes from Pezizales in Nоrthen part оf the Black Sea region were revealed. Among them 6 species were mycorrhizal fungi, 5 humicolour saprotrophes and 1 – xylotroph. Among found species of fungi Helvella ephippium, Peziza ampliata and Trichophaea gregaria are new for the steppe region of Ukraine. Helvella ephippium is rare in Ukraine. Description, illustration of microstructures and general distribution were given for it.

Бойко Михайло Федосійович

Краснова А.Н. Гидрофильный род Рогоз (Typha L.) (в пределах бывшего СССР). – Ярославль: «Принтхаус-Ярославль», 2011. –186 с. Рис.33. Библ.: ISBN 978-5-904234-21-8.: Рецензія


Бойко М.Ф. 2011: Краснова А.Н. Гидрофильный род Рогоз (Typha L.) (в пределах бывшего СССР). – Ярославль: «Принтхаус-Ярославль», 2011. –186 с. Рис.33. Библ.: ISBN 978-5-904234-21-8.: Рецензія. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 292-294. ISSN 1990-553X


Бойко Михайло Федосійович

Chorological Studies on Polish Carpathian Bryophytes / Edited by Adam Stebel, Ryszard Ochyra // Poznań: Sorus, 2011.– 267 p.: Рецензія


Бойко М.Ф. 2011: Chorological Studies on Polish Carpathian Bryophytes / Edited by Adam Stebel, Ryszard Ochyra // Poznań: Sorus, 2011.– 267 p.: Рецензія. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 295-296. ISSN 1990-553X


Бойко Михайло Федосійович, Єна Андрій Васильович, Загороднюк Наталя Володимирівна.

IV Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Заповідники Криму. Біорізноманіття і охорона природи в Азово-Чорноморському регіоні»: Рецензія


Бойко М.Ф., Єна А.В., Загороднюк Н.В. 2011:IV Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Заповідники Криму. Біорізноманіття і охорона природи в Азово-Чорноморському регіоні»: Рецензія. Chornomors’k. bot. z, Vol. 7, № 3: 297-298. ISSN 1990-553X



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