Felbaba-Klushina L.M., Votkalchuk K.A.

The state and prospects of preservation of some rare and relic species Lycopodiophyta at southern megaslope of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Transcarpathia)


Felbaba-Klushina L.M., Votkalchuk K.A. (2015). The state and prospects of preservation of some rare and relic species Lycopodiophyta at southern megaslope of the Ukrainian Carpathians (Transcarpathia). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 138-145. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/1.


The results of researches are represented for three species of divisio Lycopodiophyta (Diphasiastrum issleri (Rouy) Holub,Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub), Selaginella helvetica (L.) Spring, which are rare in Ukrainian Carpathians. Detailed description is provided for the habitats and plant communities, where these species occur; the number of individuals in the populations is detected. Their sozological status is defined with the forecast of populations’ development for the nearest years.

Kovalenko І.N.

Grass and subschrub layer as a structural component of forest communities in the North-East of Ukraine


Kovalenko І.N. (2015). Grass and subschrub layer as a structural component of forest communities in the North-East of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 146-155. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/2.


The main structural features of herbaceous and subshrub layer have been analyzed, and its functional role has been defined on the example of the forests of Ukrainian Polissya. High floristic biodiversity in forest ecosystems and heterogeneity of their flora have been specified on the basis of comparative floristic analysis. About 5–6 environmental groups are distinguished within each syntaxon in herbaceous and subshrub layer. Their number depends on the composition of forest stand, surface pattern and soil cover. Depending on the ecological-coenotic situation, all plant species of herbaceous and subshrub layer are distinct in going through the stages of ontogenesis, type of morphogenesis, life status, etc. Individual ecological amplitudes of forest herbs conform to environmental regimes of the relevant syntaxon, and with the proper management of these forests, the structure of the lower tiers will preserve its integrity and identity in the protected natural areas. The success of tree regeneration period is largely determined by the composition and structural features of ground vegetation.

Pavlovа N.R., Matviichuk Yu.V., Moysiyenko I.I.

Morphological and anatomical features of Leucojum aestivum L. (lower reaches of the Dnieper, Ukraine)


Pavlovа N.R., Matviichuk Yu.V., Moysiyenko I.I. (2015). Morphological and anatomical features of Leucojum aestivum L. (lower reaches of the Dnieper, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 156-164. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/3.


The article describes an ornamental and medicinal plant − Leucojum aestivum, that was included to the Red Data Book of Ukraine. L. aestivum is a perennial herbaceous of the family Amaryllidaceae. The natural habitat of the species includes the Mediterranean, European temperate climate regions (except of northeastern one), the Caucasus. L. aestivum is a hardy species that is very moisture-tolerant. It is extremely tolerant of soil type and will grow in sand, loam and clay soils although it prefers soils with a more neutral or alkaline pH. The morphological and anatomical features of the underground and surface structure were investigated; the model of formation shoots, the types of buds and seasonal rhythm of L. aestivum were described in the modern south of Ukraine.

Zhilyaev G.G. 

The role of the vitality of differentiation in populations of seed renewal Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) in the subalpine meadows Chornogory (Ukrainian Carpathians)


Zhilyaev G.G. (2015). The role of the vitality of differentiation in populations of seed renewal Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) in the subalpine meadows Chornogory (Ukrainian Carpathians). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 165-177. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/4.


The results of field experiments (2011–2014) for research seed reproduction in a population Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. (Asteraceae) in the subalpine meadows Chornogory (Ukrainian Carpathians) are generalized. It is proved that the differentiation vitality of seeds is the main precondition for the preservation of the balance of the change of generations and the conserve of viable populations of H. alpina. Because of differences in the reproductive potency, the role of seeds of high, medium and low vitality to save seed renewal process, changes under the influence of environmental factors.

Boiko M.F.

Ukrainian names of bryophytes


Boiko M.F. (2015). Ukrainian names of bryophytes. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 178-216. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/5.


In the article the names of Ukrainian families bryophytes (Bryobionta – Holovmokhobionty) are given, most of which are for the first time and on that basis it was made a complete list of all parts of Ukraine bryoflora: Anthocerotophyta (Ukrainian name Kvitkorohofity), Marchantiophyta (Ukrainian name Marshantiofity), Bryophyta (Ukrainian name Holovmokhofity ). Proposed a number of new species epithets liverworts and mosses. In the formation of new titles of mosses the following was used: special, distinctive, characteristic features of gametophyte and sporophytes morphology, physiology, life forms, etc. (Viychatka korotkopovstysta – Trichocolea tomentella, Kuschomoh lysokhvostyi – Thamnobryum alopecurum, etc.); features specific habitats (Vapnychka creidyana – Cololejeunea calcarea; Vodnik protyposzeszhyi – Fontinalis antipyretica, Voloholyub richkovyi – Hygroamblystegium fluviatile, Vsiudnyk purpurovyi – Ceratodon purpureus etc.); importance of the taxon (typical race, decorative, etc.), for example, Holovmoh sriblyastyi – Bryum argenteum, Krasunchyk naiprecrasnishyi – Ptilidium pulcherrimum; latin counterparts, transliteration, the author is given proper the first description taxa (Bezzhylka szyrna – Aneura pinguis etc.); latin names are derived from proper names (Merkiya Blytha – Moerckia blyttii, Lazarenkiya Kozlova – Lazarenkia kozlovii); reasonable borrowing from other national names of genera and species – in Polish, Czech and other languages (for example, Zolotomoh (zlotnik – Polish.) – Campyliadelphus, Sobacozub (psizubec in Cech. – Cynodontium) and others.

Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Klymenko V.M.

Didymellopsis perigena (Nyl.) Grube and Zwackhiomyces cervinae Calat., Triebel & Pérez-Ortega (XanthopyreniaceaeAscomycota) new for Ukraine species of the lichenicolous fungi


Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Klymenko V.M. (2015). Didymellopsis perigena (Nyl.) Grube and Zwackhiomyces cervinae Calat., Triebel & Pérez-Ortega (Xanthopyreniaceae, Ascomycota) new for Ukraine species of the lichenicolous fungi. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 217-222. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/6.


Data on two new to Ukraine species of lichenicolous fungi Didymellopsis perigena (Nyl.) Grube that grows on terricolous Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss and Zwackhiomyces cervinae Calat., Triebel & Pérez-Ortega on saxicolous Acarospora cervina (Ach.) A. Massal. are provided. The paper illustrated by two figures with the difference between genera Didymellopsis and Zwackhiomyces, and features of these species.

Korolyova O.V.

The loculoascomycete species diversity of National Park “Oleshkivski Pisky” (Kherson region, Ukraine)


Korolyova O.V. (2015). The loculoascomycete species diversity of National Park “Oleshkivski Pisky” (Kherson region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 223-229. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/7.


The species composition of loculoascomycetes in the National Natural Park "Oleshkivski Pisky" has been studied. It includes 34 species from 18 genera, 10 families, 3 orders and group orders Incertae sedis, 2 subclasses of class Dothideomycetes. In the taxonomic structure of the investigated species composition it was established predominance of the subclass Pleosporomycetidae, of the order Pleosporales, of the family Leptosphaeriaceae, as well as genus Leptosphaeria. We analyzed the characteristics of habitat distribution of species in communities 4 types of vegetation. We have studied the ecological structure of mycobiota and consortial connections with 19 species of plants from 11 families. In the ecological structure it was established the dominance of saprotrophs. It was noted, that a variety of substrates equally favors the spread and herbotrophic and xylotrophic loculoascomycetes. Ecological features of the species relating to the stages of ontogeny, of habitat, and their distribution, were discussed.

Darmostuk V.V.

The southernmost locality Tuckermanopsis chlorophylla (Willd.) Hale in Ukraine


Darmostuk V.V. (2015). The southernmost locality Tuckermanopsis chlorophylla (Willd.) Hale in Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 230-233. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/8.


An information of the new steppe zone and discovery of the southernmost locality Tuckermanopsis chlorophylla (Willd.) Hale in Ukraine are presented. It was found in the territory of the Landscape reserve "Sagi" on the bark of Pinus sylvestris. The paper contains ecology and distribution of this taxon in Ukraine.

Yatsuk I.I., Akulov O.Yu., Romanchenko O.V.

The new for Ukraine discomycete species Schizoxylon centaureae Bres.(Stictidiaceae Fr., Ostropales Nannf.) from Regional Landscape Park ‘Tiligulsky’, Odessa region (Ukraine)


Yatsuk I.I., Akulov O.Yu., Romanchenko O.V. (2015). The new for Ukraine discomycete species Schizoxylon centaureae Bres.(Stictidiaceae Fr., Ostropales Nannf.) from Regional Landscape Park ‘Tiligulsky’, Odessa region (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 234-238. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/9.


Non-lichenized ostropalean fungi have been poorly studied in Ukraine. The paper contains data on a new for Ukraine and worldwide rare species Schizoxylon centaureae Bres., found on the territory of Regional Landscape Park ‘Tiligulsky’. Characteristic features of this species include filiform spores, which disintegrate onto fragments, and its association with dead stems of Centauria sp and Asphodelussp. The article contains original illustrations and description of the species. Since this species has been so far known only from Portugal and Greece, our finding of S. centaureae in Ukraine substantially alters a modern concept of its distribution.

Kozyr M.S.

Econet for floodplain of Seim river (Sumy and Chernihiv regions, Ukraine)


Kozyr M.S. (2015). Econet for floodplain of Seim river (Sumy and Chernihiv regions, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 239-252. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/10.


Еconet project for floodplain of Seim river was developed, three key territories of local level (Piskivska, Konotopsko-Putyvlska, Baturynska) and Seimskyi regional ecocorridor were defined. Their characterization according to the method was completed. In the article the ways of integration for econet were proposed that were developed to the national ecological network due to favorable location of the region between Poliskyi, Galytsko-Slobozhanskyi, Dniprovskyi and Siversko-Donetskyi national level of ecological network. Connection ways of this econet with key territories of local level by local level ecological corridors were proposed.

Melnyk R.P.

Antropophytes participation in natural steppe area on the example of Burgunska beam (Kherson region, Ukraine)


Melnyk R.P. (2015). Antropophytes participation in natural steppe area on the example of Burgunska beam (Kherson region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 253-260. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/11.


The features of the antropophytes participation in the natural and semi-natural steppe coenoses were investigated on the territory of Burgunska beam. (Kherson region, Ukraine). On its slopes there are pockets of indigenous steppe vegetation of class Festuco-BrometeaBr.-Bl. et R.Tx. in Br.-Bl. 1949. But the anthropogenic transformation of the steppe biome led to penetration in steppe community of alien species. According to the results of our research they represented 64 species, which belong to 59 genera, 24 families, 15 orders. Most of the investigated alien plants belong to mesophytic group and gemiagriophytes. They are well naturalized in the communities of meadow vegetation, that’s why they grow in the thalweg of the beam. The greatest numbers of diasporas of these species falls with the water streams from agrophytocenoses and they are representatives of the classes segetal vegetation Stellarietea mediae and Artemisietea vulgaris.

Prokopuk M.S., Pohorelova Y.V.

Higher aquatic flora and vegetation of National nature park “Pyryatynsky” (Poltava region, Ukraine)


Prokopuk M.S., Pohorelova Y.V. (2015). Higher aquatic flora and vegetation of National nature park “Pyryatynsky” (Poltava region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 261-270. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/12.


It was studied a floristic richness, ecological structure and coenotic diversity of macrophytes in NNP "Pyryatynsky". There are identified 34 species of macrophytes, which form 16 groups of rank association of eco-floristic classification. Analysis of overgrown rivers and flood waters showed preservation of their natural structure, a wide variety of habitats and a poverty of species richness as evidence of anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems with significant downstream. The dominance of species of eutrophic swamps complex in some areas considered as the threat of increasing waterlogging processes and transformation of habitats. It is allocated rare component of flora, confirmed the feasibility of establishing the object of protected areas of Ukraine of national importance at this area. It is recommended to expand the list of regionally rare species.

Boiko M.F., Lobachevska O.V. 

Vsevolod Maksimovich Melnychuk (to the 100th anniversary of his birth)


Boiko M.F., Lobachevska O.V. (2015). Vsevolod Maksimovich Melnychuk (to the 100th anniversary of his birth)Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11 (2): 271-272. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/15.112/5.




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