Fedoronchuk M.M.

Ukrainian flora checklist. 2: family Fabaceae (Fabales, Angiosperms)


Fedoronchuk M.M. (2022). Ukrainian flora checklist. 2: family Fabaceae (Fabales, Angiosperms).Chornomors’k. bot. z., 18 (2): 97–138. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2022-18-2-1


According to various sources, family Fabaceae Lindl. Has from 730 to 766 genera and from 19 400 to 19 580 species distributed on all continents of the Earth (except Antarctica) and in almost all climatic zones. In Ukraine, there are 70 genera, about 380 natural species together with subspecies, stabilized hybrid forms, described in the status of species. There are 430 natural species together with cultivated in gardens and parks. The most significant nomenclature changes compared to the previous checklist occurred in the genera Astragalus L., Chamaecytisus Link, Genista L., Lotus L., Medicago L., Onobrychis Mill., Securigera DC. The paraphyletic genus Vicia L. has undergone significant nomenclature changes, from which a number of species were transferred to genera Ervilia Link and Ervum L. Instead, the genus Vicia includes V. saxatilis (Vent.) Tropea, isolated from the genus Lathyrus L. (=L. saxatilis (Vent.) Vis.), which is confirmed by comparative morphological and molecular phylogenetic data. Three segregated genera Trifolium L. s. str., Chrysaspis Desv. and Amoria C.Presl were recognized within the genus Trifolium s. l., however alternative names such as Trifolium species are also given.

Didukh Ya.P., Kolomiychuk V.P.

Topological differentiation of vegetation of the South Kodry-Transdnistria (Pivdennokodrynsky-Prydnistrovsky) geobotanical county


Didukh Ya.P., Kolomiychuk V.P. (2022). Topological differentiation of vegetation of the South Kodry-Transdnistria (Pivdennokodrynsky-Prydnistrovsky) geobotanical county. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 18 (2): 139–155. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2022-18-2-2


The South Kodrynsky-Transnistria geobotanical county of downy, sessile and common oak forests and forb-grasses steppes is located on the border of the Forest-Steppe and Steppe zones. It belongs to the Danube-Moesian forest-steppe province. The area of the county covers about 625 thousand hectares. It is divided into two geobotanical districts: Pivdennokodrynsky and Pridnestrovsko-Kuchurgansky, the border between which lies along the Dniester River. The natural vegetation there is quite transformed; together with the forest plantations, it occupies about 30% of the entire county’s area, while agrocoenoses and settlements cover over 70% of the county’s area. To assess the topological differentiation of vegetation in the county that reflects its β-coenotic diversity, we compiled a complex ecological-coenotic profile. This profile demonstrates the distribution of communities that are typical for the region, particularly those having diagnostic value. Four meso-combinations reflecting the γ-coenotic diversity of the region and serving the basis of ecological-geobotanical zonality have been identified. The distinguishing feature of the county is the presence of forest with Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens (Carpinion betuli, Aceri tatarici-Quercion pubescentis), that are topologically displacing each other in a direction from the slopes foots to the flat interfluves. The steppe vegetation is represented there by forb-grasses communities with dominance or participation of Stipa рennata, S. tirsa, S. pulcherrima, S. capillata, Festuca valesiaca, Botriochloa ischaemum (Fragario-viridis-Trifolion montani, Festucion valesiacae). Within the region limits, the fragments of Сarex humulis communities, which are not occurring in the steppe zone of the right bank of Ukraine, are observed. At the same time, there are no Chrysopogon gryllus communities that appear on the right bank of the Dniester River. Degraded Puccinellio distantis-Juncion gerardii communities are distributed in the river floodplains.The changes of 12 evaluated leading ecological factors are reflected on the profile’s graphs. The extreme and average «background» values serving indicators for further comparison are calculated: Hd – 10.50 (mesophytic), Fh – 6.31 (hemihydrocontrastophytic), Rc – 8.58 (neutrophytic), Sl – 8.18 (eutrophic), Ca – 7.42 (acarbonathophytic), Nt – 5.95 (heminitrophytic-nitrophytic), Ae – 6.34 (hemiaerophobic), Tm – 9.10 (submesothermal), Om – 11.26 (subaridophytic), Kn – 8.62 (hemicontinental), Cr – 8.52 (hemicryophytic), Lc – 6.90 (subheliophytic). They are found to be closest to such indicators of Acero tatarici-Quercion pubescentis and Medicago-Festucetum communities. The correlation between ecological factors is established. Among them, in conditions close to the arid climate, the ombroregime and continentality of climate have a principal value. The main threats in the county are intensive plowing and fragmentation of natural communities that are sensitive to external influences. The eutrophication of forests, which is manifested by the considerable participation of nitrophilic species in their composition, is registered. As a result of climate changes and anthropogenic pressure, the forests with the domination of Quercus pubescens in the region have almost disappeared.

Zhilyaev G.G.

Demutational changes in the population structure and species composition of the Festucetum supinae plant community in the alpine belt of the Ukrainian Carpathians


Zhilyaev G.G. (2022). Demutational changes in the population structure and species composition of the Festucetum supinae plant community in the alpine belt of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 18 (2): 156–169. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2022-18-2-3


The article discusses the results of population analysis and changes in the species diversity of herbaceous perennials from the Festucetum supinae plant group, which occur during vegetation demutations in the Alpine belt of the Chernogorsky Range (Ukrainian Carpathians). Until 1975, this grouping was under grazing conditions. From the time when this territory became part of the Carpathian Nature Park, it was withdrawn from economic circulation. The author sums up the results of long-term (1974–2021) population studies and draws conclusions about general trends, prospects for restoring the primary species composition and optimizing the population structure of the herbal components of Festucetum supinae. Data are presented on the characteristic changes in the species composition of this community and the patterns of structural transformations of populations of herbaceous perennial plants (number of individuals, ontogenetic and vitality structure). It has been established that the main changes in the species composition of Festucetum supinae occur quickly and are completed already in the first 4–7 years after conservation. On the other hand, further optimization of their population structure requires a long time and has not yet been completed even now. It is concluded that sheep grazing promotes invasions of diaspores from other phytocenoses and activates the vegetative reproduction of herbaceous perennials by mechanical particulation. Periodic counts of the species composition in this phytocenosis showed that formally (quantitatively) it almost did not change (19 species in pastures, against 20 species of herbaceous plants in protected areas). But the demutation caused its significant qualitative renewal (for more than 50% of the species composition of Festucetum supinae). Interestingly, none of the new species is adventitious for this area. On the contrary, these are native species inherent in the primary composition of alpine meadows in the Carpathians. That is, unlike some plant groups studied by the author in the subalpine belt, the demutation of the pasqual (pasture) group Festuceta supinae caused unambiguously positive changes. We are talking not only about the transformation of the population structure of herbal components, but also about the formation of new populations by typical alpine plants from neighboring groups. Thus, there is a gradual restoration of the primary species composition of the Festuceta supinae plant community. This is facilitated by the low invasiveness of this group, which hinders the introduction of alien species into it. At the same time, almost all herbaceous perennials have undergone fundamental changes in the ontogenetic, vitamin structure and number of individuals. If, according to the ontogenetic type, unstable invasive or invasive-regressive populations prevail in pasture areas, now they have been replaced by stable populations of the normal type. Similar changes occurred in their vitality composition. Now, in the community of Festucetum supinae, instead of depressive, vitally incomplete populations, vitality-full-membered populations of equilibrium or prosperous types already predominate. These results are indisputable evidence of the positive impact of demutation processes on the restoration of the natural species diversity of degraded plant groups in the alpine belt of the Carpathians. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that, unlike the subalpine meadow groups, changes in the species composition and population structure of the grass components of the groups in the Alpine belt occur without successional changes in the dominant, which the Festuca supina Schur population has always remained. In all cases, it remained stable in terms of its ontogenetic or vitality structure and in terms of the stability of the flow of generational replacement. The author concludes that although the moderate grazing of agricultural animals does not formally change the species diversity of the Festucetum supinae plant community, it contributes to the destabilization and regression of the structure of most of its components. Further development of such trends creates a real threat of complete extinction of populations of a number of native species in Festucetum supinae. According to the results of observations (1974–2021), during demutation in this phytocenosis, an increase in the size (vitality) of individuals and the total projective cover (60% to 80%) was noted. It is also interesting that all these changes took place not only without the expected successional change of the dominant, but even without weakening its population positions. The author concludes that during demutations, the general recovery process is determined by the typical types of alpine flora inherent in alpine meadow communities in the Carpathians.

Akulov O.Yu., Achkasov D.O., Usichenko A.S. 

New records of fungi and fungus-like organisms from the territory of the Mezynskyi National Nature Park


Akulov O.Yu., Achkasov D.O., Usichenko A.S. (2022). New records of fungi and fungus-like organisms from the territory of the Mezynskyi National Nature Park. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 18 (2): 170–184. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2022-18-2-4


As a result of the expedition to the Mezynskyi National Nature Park (Chernihiv Region, Ukraine), 259 species of fungi-like protists and fungi were recorded, among which 235 are new to the park. Among new records, four species belong to Myxomycota, one to Zygomycota, 128 to Ascomycota, and 102 to Basidiomycota. 14 species, namely Capronia pulcherrima, Flammocladiella anomiae, Garnaudia elegans, Hypomyces corticiicola, Mollisia caespiticia, Neodidymelliopsis negundinis, Nigrograna fuscidula, Parafenestella germanica, Phaeobotryon negundinis, Skeletocutis nemoralis, Stylonectria wegeliniana, Trichoderma atrobrunneum, T. protopulvinatumand Xylomelasma sordida, are new to Ukraine. The most of recorded species are fungicolous. Found Exidiopsis sp. is probably an undescribed, new to science species that belong to the E. effusa complex. Among the species already known in Ukraine, the rarest are Acanthostigmella pallida, Anomalemma epochnii, Arachnocrea stipata, Bactrodesmium leptopus, Fusicolla epistroma, Hilberina caudata, Hydnocristella himantia, Neocucurbitaria rhamni, Nitschkia grevillii, Peniophora rufa, Pezicula corticola, Polycephalomyces tomentosus, Rigidoporus crocatus, Selenosporella gliocladioides, Spadicoides grovei, Sporophagomyces chrysostomus, Taeniolella delicata and Tripospermum camelopardus. A brief historical overview of the mycological studies in the park allows to combine the literature data and our own findings, thus producing the general checklist of the fungal species of the Mezynskyi National Nature Park. This list currently includes 509 species. Among them, there are 25 species of Eumycetozoa, one of Mucoromycota, 215 of Basidiomycota, and 268 of Ascomycota. In comparison with the information about other nature reserves of Ukraine, it becomes obvious that further studies of the mycobiota in the Mezynskyi Park are needed.

Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Franchuk M.V., Yuskovets M.P.

The contribution to lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Rivnens'kiy Nature Reserve


Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Franchuk M.V., Yuskovets M.P. (2022). The contribution to lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Rivnens'kiy Nature Reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 18 (2): 185–192. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2022-18-2-5


Data about lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Rivnens'kiy Nature Reserve are reported. Totally, 69 species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi were listed. Among them Buellia griseovirens, C. cornuta, Lecanora saligna, L. symmicta, Micarea minuta, Parmeliopsis hyperopta, Placynthiella icmalea, P. uliginosa s. lat., Trapeliopsis flexuosa, T. granulosa, Stereocaulon condensatum, Thelocarpon intermediellum, Trapelia glebulosa, T. obtegens, Violella fucata are new to the Rivne region. Twenty-three species are new for the Rivnens'kiy Nature Reserve. Micarea minuta is recorded for the first time for Ukraine. This species was recently described from the Netherland. This species is characterized by an areolate greyish thallus, minute, 80–200 μm in diameter, greyish apothecia with sedifolia-grey pigment and absent of gyrophoric acid. Cladonia rangiferina, C. phyllophora are excluded from list of lichens of the Reserve. Lichen communities are presented by epiphytic species that grow on the bark of Pinus sylvestris, terricolous lichens on sand dunes and rare on stones (morena).

Boiko M.F.

The role of bryophyte cover in the revitalization of anthropogenically transformed territories. Lviv: Levada. 2022


Boiko M.F. The role of bryophyte cover in the revitalization of anthropogenically transformed territories. Lviv: Levada. 2022. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 18 (2): 193–197