Dubyna D.V., Dvoretskyi T.V., Dziuba T.P., Tymoshenko P.A.

Biomorphological structure of coenofloras of pioneer vegetation of Ukraine


Dubyna D.V., Dvoretskyi T.V., Dziuba T.P., Tymoshenko P.A. (2016). Biomorphological structure of coenofloras of pioneer vegetation of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 107-123. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/1.


Biomorphological structure of coenofloras of pioneer vegetation of Ukraine was analysed in the system of K.Raunkiaer life forms organization. Classes Thero-Salicornietea, Crypsidetea aculeatae, Crithmo-Staticetea, Ammophiletea, Cakiletea maritimae, Isöeto-Nano-Juncetea, Bidentetea, Koelerio-Corynephoretea and Festucetea vaginatae were provided. It total 844 species belong to 79 families and 338 genera. It was established that 10 leading families, which constitute 72,8 % of the total number of species represented by hemicryptophytes – 285 species, or 71,7 % of the total amount; terophytes – 202 (77,1 %), geophytes – 56 (57,6 %) heliophyte – 22 (48,9 %), hamephytes – 16 (69,6 %) and fanerophytes – 3 (15 %) species. The occurrence of species of life forms on the leading families of synanthropic and native factions in these classes was compared. It was revealed that the ratio between species is: fanerophytes – 1:0,5, hemicryptophytes – 1:0,41, geophytes – 1:0,13, helophytes – 1:0,16 and terophytes – 1:1,15. In the group of hamephytes only native species are presented. Comparison of the distribution of species with a single life forms, in general, showed similarities in coenofloras of pioneer vegetation to arid zone flora, within native faction – with humid. Groups of coenofloras clusters grouped according biomorfologichnmy featured species. It is shown that biomorphs of the Festucetea vaginatae differ significantly from such of the Koelerio-Corynephoretea. So, there is no reason to combine these groups into a single class. Biomorphological structure of coenofloras of pioneer vegetation of Ukraine reflects the current state of their ecological and historical stage of development and can be taken to compare and determine the extent of further transformation of communities under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors and, in particular, of global warming.

Maltseva S.Yu.

Bioecological analysis of alien faction in urban floras of Northern Azov (Ukraine)


Maltseva S.Yu. (2016). Bioecological analysis of alien faction in urban floras of Northern Azov (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 124-131. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/2.


The article discusses the adventive component in urban floras of Northern Azov (on the example of Berdyansk, Primorsk and Genichesk). The research found that the adventive fraction of urban floras Northern Azov has 227 species that belong to 165 genera and 52 families, representing more than a quarter of the number of species of urban floras. It represents a significant clogging of the studied cities by alien plants species. Biomorphological spectrum of life forms in studied flora reflects the character of the adaptations of adventive plants to a set of certain environmental, physical and geographical conditions. Our ecological and biological analysis of the adventive fraction in model towns in Northern Azov points to the processes of "therophytization" and "xerophytization" in flora.

Kucherevsky V.V., Sirenko T.V., Baranets N.A., Tashev А.N.

Distribution, coenotic affinity, ecological, morphological and biological peculiarities of Astragalus ponticus Pall.


Kucherevsky V.V., Sirenko T.V., Baranets N.A., Tashev А.N. (2016).Distribution, coenotic affinity, ecological, morphological and biological peculiarities of Astragalus ponticus Pall. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 132-140. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/3.


Integrated information about the distribution, coenotic affinity, ecological and morphological and biological peculiarities is listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine of Astragalus ponticus. In modern area A. ponticus covers the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Circumboreal, Mediterranean, Iranian-Turanian regions. Characteristic traits of geographical distribution are revealed in each country. In Ukraine there are two centers of distribution of A. ponticus. The first is associated with steppe regions of the Dnieper upland and the Black Sea lowland. The second is located on the southern coast of the Crimea. It is given information about the ecological and coenotic affinity. In Ukraine populations of A. ponticus are local, numerically small, considered to be normally full, of generative individuals are dominated in the age range. The reasons for poor seed renewal of A. ponticus are identified. It is due to the poor seed productivity, controlled by pests seeds.


Futorna O.A., Zhygalova S.L., Olshanskyi I.G.

Micromorphological characteristics (anatomical structure of leaves and stems, ultrastructure of fruits, pollen grains ultrasculpture) of Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae)


Futorna O.A., Zhygalova S.L., Olshanskyi I.G. (2016). Micromorphological characteristics (anatomical structure of leaves and stems, ultrastructure of fruits, pollen grains ultrasculpture) of Sonchus oleraceus L. (Asteraceae). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 141-153. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/4.


This article provides detailed study of micromorphological structure of leaves and stems, ultrastructure of fruits, pollen grains ultrasculpture of Sonchus oleraceus using light and scanning electron microscopy. On the one hand, it is revealed the existence of different methods of structural adaptation of plants to grow in mesophytic conditions, and on the other it showed that the investigated species has some features in the structure that can be used by taxonomists. Thus, our study showed that mezomorphic features apparent in the structure of almost all basic tissue complexes of leaf and stem, particularly the coating (large cells of tissues, thin cell walls of almost straight shape, presence of essential oil glands and essential oils in the cells, no pubescence, etc.), a conducting (midrib has several vascular bundles, distinct bearing facing vascular bundles, large cells of tissues of xylem, et al.) and mesophillous (a small number of layers mesophill, large cells of tissues, plenty of intercellular spaces). Palynomorphological study showed that pollen grains trycolporate, medium in size, echinolophate with small spines and fenestrate or perforated ultrasculpture between pore lacunes and on lophate sides. We think that quantitative features (size of pollen grains, spines, pore diameter) may be diagnostic at the species level.

BoikoM.F., BoikoL.M.

Ukrainian names of suprageneric taxa of bryophytes of Ukraine


Boiko M.F., Boiko L.M. (2016). Ukrainian names of suprageneric taxa of bryophytes of Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 154-164. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/5.


The article lists Ukrainian titles of suprageneric taxa of bryophytes of Ukraine – families, orders, classes and divisions, as many of these taxa hadn’t got proper Ukrainian names. Ukrainian names was derived from from the names of the families (or root), that have been proposed recently (Boiko, 2015), and the corresponding suffixes and endings: for family name -ев(і), -єв(і), -ов(і), order -альн(і), class -опсид(и), division -офіт(и). The list of taxa of bryophytes according to modern mosses, alphabetical list of Ukrainian names suprageneric taxa of bryophytes and an alphabetical list of Latin names of suprageneric of bryophytes are given.

KhodosovtsevA.Ye., DarmostukV.V., NazarchukYu.S.

Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Regional Landscape Park «Tiligulskiy» (Odessa region, Ukraine)


Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Darmostuk V.V., Nazarchuk Yu.S. (2016). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Regional Landscape Park «Tiligulskiy» (Odessa region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 165-177. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/6.


The data on 120 species of lichenized and 12 species of lichenicolous fungi of Regional Landscape Park «Tiligulskiy» (Odessa region)are given. 43 of them are new for the Regional Park and 10 are excluded from list of lichen biota of this territory. Stigmidium mycobilimbiae Cl. Roux, Triebel & Etayo and Toninia subfuscae (Arnold) Timdal are a new species for Ukraine. Opegrapha centrifuga A. Massal. and Stigmidium glebarum (Arnold) Hafellner are secondly reported for the territory of Ukraine. 

Akulov O.Yu, Leontyev D.V., Savchenko A.O., Usichenko A.S., Shlakhter M.L., Yatsyuk I.I.

Materials for the mycobiota of the National Natural Park "Oleshkivski Pisky" and the surrounding areas (Kherson region, Ukraine)


Akulov O.Yu, Leontyev D.V., Savchenko A.O., Usichenko A.S., Shlakhter M.L., Yatsyuk I.I. (2016). Materials for the mycobiota of the National Natural Park "Oleshkivski Pisky" and the surrounding areas (Kherson region, Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 178-190. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/7.


As a result of the National Nature Park "Oleshkivski Pisky" microbiota study, 112 species of fungi and fungi-like protists were found: 18 species are slime molds, 1 – Zygomycota,  32 – Ascomycota and 61 – Basidiomycota representatives. Among them 14 species are fungicolous, 2 – myxomyceticulous and 1 – lichenicolous. Fungicolous species Hypomyces albidus Rehm in anamorphous stage Cladobotryum sphaerocephalum (Berk.) Rogerson et Samuels and myxomycete Amaurochaete tubulina (Alb. et Schwein.) T. Macbr. are registered in Ukraine for the first time. An interesting record is Patellaria crassispora H.-O. Baral, nomen provisum, which was also not known in Ukraine till now. We assume that ascigenous sporification of Mycosphaerella sp., found by us on overwintered needles of Pinus palassiana D. Don, probably is a still undescribed teleomorph of Dothistroma pini Hulbary. Slime mould Stemonitopsis microspora (Lister) Nann.-Bremek. registered in the steppe zone of Ukraine for the first time.

Klymenko V.M. 

Lichenoindicating assessment of air quality in small and medium-sized towns in southern Ukraine


Klymenko V.M. (2016). Lichenoindicating assessment of air quality in small and medium-sized towns in southern Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 191-205. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/8.


The results of the study of lihenoindication surface layers of air in small and medium-sized towns of Kherson region: Berislav, Kakhovka, New Kakhovka are presented. Numeric limits of izotoxic lichen indication zones are calculated and their use during the research of lichen indication urban landscapes of Southern Ukraine is recommended. Species composition of epiphytic lichenobiotic groups from the territory of these towns, which has 43 species, are described. In terms of clean air Index the models of the spatial distribution of izotoxic lichenoindicating zones in these areas are calculated. For comparative analysis of the calculated area of izotoxic zones surveyed ranking of the towns for air quality was held. The highest air quality is in Berislav town, and the lowest is in New Kakhovka. The highest air quality of residential landscapes is in residential districts of Kakhovka town, and the lowest is in residential neighborhoods of New Kakhovka town.

Zakharova M.Ya., Moysiyenko I.I. 

Florocoenotic restriction of rare species in natural forest on Nizhnedneprovskiy sands


Zakharova M.Ya., Moysiyenko I.I. (2016). Florocoenotic restriction of rare species in natural forest on Nizhnedneprovskiy sands. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12 (2): 206-213. doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.122/9.


Natural forest vegetation on Nizhnedneprovski sand area is presented by azonal birch, oak, aspen, alder, poplar and willow-poplar-ash forests belonging to the three classes: Alnetea glutinosae Br.-Bl. et R.Tx. 1943 ex Westhoff et al. 1946, Salicetea purpureae Moor 1958, and Dactylo glomerati – Populetea tremulae Y.O. Vorobyov et I. Solomakha 2014. In forest vegetation Nizhnedneprovskiy sand area 27 sozophytes are present, among them 9 species are included in the Red Data Book of Ukraine, 5 in European Red List, 1 in Bern Convention list, 1 in World Red List and 12 in Red List of Kherson region. The greatest number of species is observed in birch forests (12) and lowest (7) in alder.

Ovsiyenko V.M., Darmostuk V.V., Klymenko V.M., Boiko M.F., Khodosovtsev O.Ye.

Spring expedition to study of the flora and lichen around village Vodiano-Lorine (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine)




Zakharova M.Ya.

International Conference of Young Scientists "Advances in Botany and Ecology" (June 03–July 29, 2016, Kherson, Ukraine)




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