Ontogenetic and vitality structure of Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. (Asparagaceae Juss.) populations at the northeastern limit of its 7nature area






endemic species, age spectrum, ontogenetic indices, vitality, natural population.


The ontogenetic and vitality structure of eight Muscari botryoides populations from Ukraine have been studied. M. botryoides is a rare, endemic species of the Asparagaceae family, distributed on northeastern limit of its natural range and listed in the 3rd edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine with conservation status "endangered". The characteristics of the species main ontogenetic states have been given. Age spectra of populations have been constructed. Ontogenetic indices have been calculated according to I.M. Kovalenko. Individuals of eight age states have been identified: seeds (se), seedlings (p), juvenile (j), immature (im), virginal (v), young generative (g1), mature generative (g2) and old generative (g3). Subsenile (ss) and senile (s) individuals were not registered. The populations are normal, noncomplete with left-biased age spectra. Juveniles prevail in all age spectra. . According to A.A. Uranov and O.V. Smirnova all populations are normal young, according to the Delta-Omega classification proposed by L.A. Zhivotovskij, they are young, and according to L.A. Zhukova and T.A. Polyanskaya – perspective. Innovation indices of all populations are very high, and generative, senilis, age indices are low. A factor analysis based on 17 morphological parameters of M. botryoides have been made. The results of the analysis showed, that the following parameters determine vitality of M. botryoides individuals: first leaf length, bulb width, inflorescence length and number of flowers in the inflorescence. Medium vitality individuals dominate in most populations. According to the vitality structure, six populations are prosperous, and two – depressed.


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How to Cite

BOYCHUK, S., & BUDZHAK, V. (2021). Ontogenetic and vitality structure of Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. (Asparagaceae Juss.) populations at the northeastern limit of its 7nature area. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 17(2), 107–118. https://doi.org/10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2021-17-2-2