Participation of species of the genus Epilobium (Onagraceae) in the biotopes of Ukraine





Onagraceae, characteristic species, EUNIS classification, National habitat catalogue of Ukraine, plant communities.


This article presents the results of cenotype and ecotype analyzes of genus Epilobium L. s.l. (Onagraceae Juss.) in the biotopes of Ukraine. Scientists count about 20 species of genus Epilobium (including Chamerion) of Ukraine. Species of genus Epilobium are characterized by such biological features as a fairly uniform appearance and high hybridization capability of almost all species. Species of genus Epilobium belong to two types of ecological groups – mesophytes and hygrophytes. Representatives of genus Epilobium grow mainly along the banks of rivers, in ditches, on floodplains, in wet forests, on swamps, in clearings and on burnt sites after forest fires. Many species occur in the mountains from the upper forest to the alpine zone. A number of species of genus Epilobium are actively involved in the formation of different types of biotopes (according to EUNIS classification adapted for Ukraine). Epilobium hirsutum L is a constant and characteristic species of the UkrBiotop E:1.13 – Wet meadows tall-grass plant aggregation or according to the classification of habitats of Ukraine В4.1.6 – Herbaceous nitrophilous fringes of lowland rivers and Т3.3.2 – Moist tall-forbs grasslands. Epilobium montanum L. is a constant and characteristic species of UkrBiotop G:1.123 – Birch forest in fresh and droughty conditions and К2.2.1 – Subalpine to alpine calcareous screes and is actively involved in the formation of another Phanerophyte UkrBiotope G:2.111 – Forests Picea abies Polissya. Characteristic species of habitat К1.2 – Siliceous screes of Carpathians are E. collinum C.C. Gmel. and E. angustifolium L. (= Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub). Epilobium alsinifolium Vill. is characteristic of the marsh mountain subtype of habiata B1.21а – Mountain hard-water springs on tuffs and travertine. Еpilobium alpestre (Jacq.) Krock is a characteristic species of habitat Т4.4.1 – Subalpiane broad-leaved tall-herb habitat on silicate substrates and is one of the characteristic species for the biotope Т4.4.2 – Subalpine calcicolous tall-herb communities. Epilobium dodonaei Vill. (= Chamerion dodonaei (Vill.) Holub) one of the dominant herbs of habitat В4.2.2 – Sparsely vegetated gravel banks with herbaceous vegetation and is one of the characteristic species of communities habitat Ch7.2 – Willow scrub of river gravel banks.


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How to Cite

FEDORONCHUK, M., & KLIMOVYCH, N. (2020). Participation of species of the genus Epilobium (Onagraceae) in the biotopes of Ukraine. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 16(1), 55–61.