The influence of laser irradiation and glucose concentration on the content of carotenoids in the mycelium of fungus Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill





mycelium, carotenoids, photoreception, photoactivation.


The article presents the results of the study of the content of carotenoids of L. sulphureus mycelium under the action of LED lasers: BRP–3010–5, with red spectrum radiation with a wavelength of 635 nm, BBP–3010–5 with blue spectrum radiation with a wavelength of 405 nm and BGP–3010–5 with green spectrum radiation with a wavelength of 532 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) when cultured on nutrient medium with different concentrations of glucose. The irradiated mycelium served as a control. It was found that is most effective for the synthesis of carotenoids the use of glucose-peptone medium with a glucose concentration of 10 g/dm³ in combination with irradiation of mycelium with green light at a wavelength of 532 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2). Under the action of this irradiation regime for strain L.s.-18 the content of carotenoids in the mycelium increased by 66.1% according to the control. Laser irradiation of mycelium with blue light with a wavelength of 405 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) increased the content of carotenoids for strain L.s.-18 by 46.7%. Irradiation with red light with a wavelength of 635 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) contributed to an increase in the content of carotenoids for strain L.s.-16 of the fungus L. sulphureus by 28.9%. It was found that the use of glucose-peptone medium with a glucose concentration of 8 g/dm3 in combination with irradiation of the mycelium with green light with a wavelength of 532 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) was less effective. Under these conditions, the content of carotenoids in the mycelium increased for strain L.s.-17 by 62.3%. Laser irradiation of mycelium with blue light with a wavelength of 405 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) increased the content of carotenoids for strain L.s.-17 by 30.6%. Irradiation with red light with a wavelength of 635 nm (irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2) contributed to an increase in the content of carotenoids for strain L.s.-18 of the fungus L. sulphureus by 16.8% respectively. For strain L.s.-16 the number of carotenoids in the mycelium no increase. The use glucose-peptone medium with glucose concentrations of 6 and 4 g/dm3 in combination with laser irradiation of mycelium with red (wavelength 635 nm), blue (wavelength 405 nm) and green (wavelength 532 nm) light with irradiation energy 51.1 mJ/cm2 was no increase in the content of carotenoids in the mycelium.


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How to Cite

RESHETNYK, K. S. (2020). The influence of laser irradiation and glucose concentration on the content of carotenoids in the mycelium of fungus Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.) Murrill. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 16(4), 333–342.