Ukrainian flora checklist. 7: family Caprifoliaceae s. l. (incl. Dipsacaceae, Linnaeaceae, Valerianaceae), Viburnaceae s. l. (incl. Adoxaceae, Sambucaceae) (Dipsacales, Angiosperms), and Lythraceae (incl. Punicaceae, Trapaceae), Onagraceae, Myrtaceae (Myr




annotated list, distribution, species, subspecies, genus, family, systematics, nomenclature, synonyms, herbarium specimens, Adoxa, Cephalaria, Diervilla, Dipsacus, Knautia, Linnaea, Lomelosia, Lonicera, Pterocephalus, Sambucus, Scabiosa, Succisa, Succisella, Symphoricarpos, Valeriana, Viburnum.


Materials and methods: herbarium collections, literature data, field observations. Nomenclature: POWO 2023. Results: According to the modern classification (APG III 2009, APG IV 2016, POWO 2023), the order Dipsacales is represented by two families: Caprifoliaceae (incl. Dipsacaceae, Linnaeaceae, Valerianaceae) and Viburnaceae (incl. Adoxaceae, Sambucaceae). In the flora of Ukraine, the Caprifoliaceae family is represented by 14 genera (Cephalaria, Diervilla, Dipsacus, Epilobium, Knautia, Linnaea, Lomelosia, Lonicera, Lythrum, Oenothera, Pterocephalus, Scabiosa, Succisa, Succisella, Symphoricarpos, Trapa, Valeriana (incl. Centranthus, Valerianella), Weigela); the Viburnaceae family includes 3 genera (Adoxa, Sambucus, Viburnum). An independent genus isolated from Scabiosa is the genus Lomelosia (3 species in the flora of Ukraine). The genus Valeriana includes species of Centranthus, which are currently considered as part of it (in the flora of Ukraine – 2 species), and Varianella (16 species). Some species are new or previously not included in the relevant summaries, have undergone changes in taxonomic rank (lowered to subspecies) or have been synonymized. The annotated list also includes widely cultivated species that escape from culture, as well as those that do not go beyond the boundaries of culture (in the notes). The Myrtales order includes three families: Lythraceae s.l., Onagraceae and Myrtaceae, which in the flora of Ukraine are relatively small in number of genera and species. The family Lythraceae (incl. Punicaceae, Trapaceae) is represented by five genera and 15 species (native and alien), the most numerous of which is the genus Lythrum. Lythrum s. l. also includes the genera Middendorfia (M. borysthenica = Lythrum borysthenica) and Peplis (P. alternifolia = Lythrum volgense, P. portula ≡ Lythrum portula), which were previously recognized as separate taxonomic groups of generic rank in domestic floristic summaries. The genus Trapa, which was previously accepted as part of the monotypic families Hydrocaryaceae or Trapaceae, is represented by one polymorphic species T. natans, within which 10 more species (microspecies or local races) are sometimes distinguished, which are given for Ukraine. The Onagraceae family includes 5 genera and about 50 species (native, alien and cultivated). The most numerous are the genera Epilobium (incl. Chamaenerion) – 21 species and Oenothera – 14 species. The Myrtaceae family in Ukraine is represented by 4 genera and 7 cultivated species.


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How to Cite

FEDORONCHUK, M. M. (2023). Ukrainian flora checklist. 7: family Caprifoliaceae s. l. (incl. Dipsacaceae, Linnaeaceae, Valerianaceae), Viburnaceae s. l. (incl. Adoxaceae, Sambucaceae) (Dipsacales, Angiosperms), and Lythraceae (incl. Punicaceae, Trapaceae), Onagraceae, Myrtaceae (Myr. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 19(3), 243–271.