Morphological and physiologо- biochemical parameters of stability to a drought Triticum aestivum L.


  • L.О. USIK


morphotype, stability to a drought, sort Triticum, mikrostructure, metabolism.


The review of a problem stability to a drought of plants wheat and phenomena connected to it on molecular, subcellular, cellular, tissue, оrgan and оrganism levels; the examples of artificial populations (varieties) wheat are given, which have the genetically determined features stability to a drought, the mechanisms and directions of researches of adaptive features of plants wheat to deficiency of a moisture (drought) and raised temperatures are opened.


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How to Cite

ОRLYUK A., & USIK, L. (2005). Morphological and physiologо- biochemical parameters of stability to a drought Triticum aestivum L . CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 1(1), 90–98. Retrieved from



Тhеоretical and Applied Problems