New records of Anthurus archeri (Berk.) E. Fisch. (Clathraceae, Basidiomycota) in Ukraine




Basidiomycota, Phallales, Clathraceae, Anthurus archeri, Ukraine.


Information about biology of Anthurus archeri (Berk.) E. Fisch. (Clathraceae, Basidiomycota), an invasive fungus from Australasia, which is widely naturalized in Europe, is given for Ukraine. A. archeri was found in Ukrainian part of Carpathian Mts. in deciduous forests on places rich of organic matter.


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How to Cite

ZYKOVA, M. (2007). New records of Anthurus archeri (Berk.) E. Fisch. (Clathraceae, Basidiomycota) in Ukraine. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 3(2), 124–128. Retrieved from