Thelocarpon intermediellum Nyl. - a new for Ukraine species of lichens




Thelocarpon, Khersons`ka oblast, Mykolaivska oblast, Lugans`ka oblas,t AR Crimea, Ukraine.


Thelocarpon intermediellum Nyl. (Acarosporaceae, Lecanorales) is firstly reported for Ukraine from Slavyanoserbs`kiy district in Lugans`ka oblast. It is collected on concrete stone in steppe on territory of the former Tryohizbenskiy military area. The notes about Thelocarpon laureri (Flot.) Nyl. as a new for steppe zone and for Crimean peninsula are provided. The key for Ukrainian Thelocarpon is given.


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How to Cite

KHODOSOVTSEV, A. Y., & RUSINA, N. (2007). Thelocarpon intermediellum Nyl. - a new for Ukraine species of lichens. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 4(1), 131–133. Retrieved from