Bryocommunities with participation of the most widespread mosses of the order Hypnales (Bryophyta) and their description (Left-bank Forest-steppe, Ukraine)


  • S.V. GAPON


moos, bryocomunity, pleurocarpes moss, association.


Participation of the widespread pleurocarpes moss Hypnales order of bryocommunities formation is analized. It is found out that 64,1 % found out epiphytes and epixiles communities the probed species are prevail and they are the diagnostic types of associations, and the coenotic participation of 24,4 % communities is insignificant. The classes of constancy of probed spiecies are lov enough: for Hypnum pallescens Hedw. P. Beauv., – III, Platygyrium repens (Brid.) Shimp., Pylaisia polyanthа (Hedw.) Schimp, The result of briocommunities classification accordingly ecologo-floristic classification (after Braun-Blanke method and its characteristics are resulted at this report. The association Ptilidio pulcherimi-Hypnetum pallentis Barkm. ex Wilm. 1962 and its phytocenotic description is give for Ukraine at first.


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How to Cite

GAPON, S. (2008). Bryocommunities with participation of the most widespread mosses of the order Hypnales (Bryophyta) and their description (Left-bank Forest-steppe, Ukraine). CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 4(2), 216–221. Retrieved from



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