Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum (Lasch) Diederich & Schultheis – новый для Украини вид лихенофильного гриба




Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum, Kherson region, southern Ukraine.


The locations, ecology and general distribution of the new for Ukraine lichenicolous fungus Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum (Lasch) Diederich & Schultheis are given in the article. The species is determined to be a parasite of the corticolous lichenes Physcia and Xanthoria.


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How to Cite

GAVRYLENKO, L., KHODOSOVTSEV, A., & NAUMOVICH, G. (2010). Marchandiobasidium aurantiacum (Lasch) Diederich & Schultheis – новый для Украини вид лихенофильного гриба. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 5(4), 609–611. Retrieved from