The annotated list of Bryophytes of “Yelanetsky step” Nature Reserve and adjacent territory (Mykolaivs’ka oblast’, Ukraine)


  • M.F. BOIKO


Bryophyta, “Elanetsky step” Nature Reserve, Ukraine.


The list of Bryophytes of the reserve is given in the article whith 46 species, including 3 from division Marchantiophyta and 43 – Bryophyta. Pottiaceae family has the greatest number of species – 9, Brachytheciaceae – 6, Bryaceae – 6, Hypnaceae – 5. The Bryum genera dominates with 6 species here. The genera Orthotrichum and Brachythecium have 3 species lach, 9 genera are represented by 2 species, the rest genera have only one species in each.


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How to Cite

BOIKO, M. (2010). The annotated list of Bryophytes of “Yelanetsky step” Nature Reserve and adjacent territory (Mykolaivs’ka oblast’, Ukraine). CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 5(4), 583–588. Retrieved from