Conditions of the populations of some rare ephemeroids on the territory of the Regional landscape park «Tyligulsky» (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine)




biodiversity, plants, steppe, communities.


Questions: Is the condition of rare species on the territory of the protected object satisfactory? Locations: Regional landscape park «Tyligulsky» (Mykolayiv region, Ukraine). Methods: field studies of habitats of rare species. Nomenclature: POWO (2023), Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk (1999), Dubyna et al. (2019). Results: The Tyligulsky Regional Landscape Park (Mykolayiv region) is located on the eastern coast of the Tyligulsky estuary and its waters. It occupies the area of 8195,4 hectares. During the spring expeditions in 2023, we studied the populations of four species of rare ephemerals protected at the state and international levels: Crocus reticulatus, Galanthus elwesii, Gymnospermium odessanum, Adonis vernalis. The species studied occur mainly on the slopes of the gulleys and in their hollows. In the places with the highest density of C. reticulatus individuals, were found 5 juvenile, 6 immature, 4 virgin and 10 reproductive individuals per 1 m2. Crocus reticulatus occurs in well-preserved steppe communities between tussocks of Stipa capillata, Festuca valesiaca and Agropyron cristatum. Galanthus elwesii was found on the slopes of the Atamanka gully and its branches, in places where the slopes were overgrown with shrubs (Prunus spinosa, Crataegus monogyna, Rosa canina and R. corymbifera). The most numerous population loci are located in the hollows of the gulley spurs and increase towards the southern exposure of the slope. In the areas with the highest density, 121 individuals were recorded per 1 m2: 35 juveniles, 10 immature, 14 virginal and 62 generative. Another ephemeroid, Gymnospermium odessanum, grows higher along these shrubby slopes (Atamanka gully). The density of individuals is very low, growing mostly on the north-faced slope in the dry leaves of the shrubs. We counted up to 10 individuals per 1 m2 in different ontogenetic states: 2 juvenile, 2 virgin and 6 generative. Adonis vernalis grows on the steppe slopes of the studied gulleys. The density of individuals is not high. On average, there are one or two individuals in the generative stage per 1 m2. It grows together with C. reticulatus between last year's stems of Stipa capillata. Conclusions: The state of the populations of four rare ephemeroids in the area of the Tyligulsky Regional Landscape Park was studied. It was revealed that the basis of the vegetation cover of the habitats of rare ephemeroids, forming steppes of Festuco-Brometea class (alliances Festucion valesiacae, Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis). The hollows of these gulleys are covered with class Rhamno-Prunetea.


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How to Cite

MELNYK, R. P., MELNYCHUK, S. S., HRUBYI, M. V., & DIACHENKO, O. V. (2023). Conditions of the populations of some rare ephemeroids on the territory of the Regional landscape park «Tyligulsky» (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine). CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 19(4), 390–396.