About Diatom’s Study of Kozache-Lagers’ka Arena in the “Oleshkivs’ki Piski” National Nature Park (Ukraine)


  • D.O. BOVA


Bacillariophyta, diatoms, epiphytes, shallow lakes.


Data on diatoms species composition of National Nature Park “Oleshkivski Piski” are given for the first time. The checklist consists of 46 species with 3 of them new to Ukraine, such as Navicula vilaplanii (Lange–Bert. et Sabater) Lange–Bert. et Sabater, Pinnularia sinistra Krammer and Stauroneis obtusa Lagerstedt.


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LANGE-BERTALOT H. Navicula sensu stricto. 10 Genera separated from Navicula sensu lato Frustulia. – Ruggel: A.R.G. Gartner Verlag. – 2001. – 526 p.

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How to Cite

KRYVENDA, A., & BOVA, D. (2012). About Diatom’s Study of Kozache-Lagers’ka Arena in the “Oleshkivs’ki Piski” National Nature Park (Ukraine). CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 7(3), 276–282. Retrieved from https://cbj.kspu.edu/index.php/cbj/article/view/501



Mycology, Lichenology, Algology, Bryology