The current state of investigation and new finds of melanosporoid fungi in Ukraine




Melanospora spp., Persiciospora moreaui, Syspastospora parasitica, distribution, fungicolous properties, mycoparasitism.


The general characteristics of melanosporoid fungi and results of a critical revision of data about the representatives of this group known from Ukraine are presented. As a result of generalization of the obtained data with the results of our research a preliminary conspectus of biota which consists of eleven species is made. Of these, Persiciospora moreaui and Syspastospora parasitica are provided in Ukraine for the first time.


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How to Cite

AKULOV, O. (2012). The current state of investigation and new finds of melanosporoid fungi in Ukraine. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 7(4), 379–389. Retrieved from



Mycology, Lichenology, Algology, Bryology