New species and new records of the genus Riccia (Marchantiopsida) for the bryoflora of Ukraine




spores, SEM, Riccia beyrichiana, R. cavernosa, R. crinita, R. erinacea, R. bifurca and R. glauca.


SEM observations of sculpture of spore wall of the genus of Riccia enabled new appraisal of old Riccia herbarium samples. Riccia beyrichiana, R. cavernosa, R. crinita, R. erinacea are new to Ukraine. On the other hand, Riccia ciliata and R. crystallina previously reported from Ukraine, have not been confirmed. New distribution data for Riccia bifurca and R. glauca are also provided.


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How to Cite

ANDREJEVA, E. (2012). New species and new records of the genus Riccia (Marchantiopsida) for the bryoflora of Ukraine. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 8(1), 49–55. Retrieved from



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