Protective shelterbelts - integral component of the regional eco-network (Kirovohrad region)


  • Polina A. HETMAN



biodiversity, eco-corridors, eco-network, Kirovohrad region, protective shelterbelts.


Questions: Is it possible to integrate the protective shelterbelts of Kirovohrad Region in the structural elements of the regional econetwork? Locations: Kirovohrad region. Methods: analysis of literature data, field research, GIS mapping. Nomenclature: vascular plants follow POWO (2023). Results: The publication considers the important role of protective shelterbelts in the Kirovohrad region in the development of a regional econetwork. 26 new eco-corridors are proposed, shown on the cartographic scheme, with the inclusion of protective shelterbelts, their structure and species richness are presented. The density of the eco-network and the peculiarities of the eco-corridors were determined. In the western part, the eco-network is poorly developed, therefore it is proposed to connect the Dolynivsky ecological center of biological diversity with Kamianobridskyi and Vilkhivskyi, Lebedynskyi with the eco-corridor connecting Klinivskyi and Kamianobridskyi in two places, Lypovenkivskyi with Kamianobridskyi and Kalmazivskyi, Zhuravlynskyi with Osychkivskyi, Kalmazivskyi and Osychkivskyi with Novolutkivskyi; in the east – the most developed eco-network, therefore it was proposed to connect Kutsevolivskyi, Proletarskyi and Hannivskyi with the border of Dnipropetrovsk region; in the northern and central part of the region there are dense buildings and a large number of highways. Therefore, in the north, they connected Podorozhnivskyi with the border of Cherkasy region, Yukhymivskyi with Ivankivskyi, Tyasmynskyi with the ecocorridor connecting Pleshkivskyi and Dykivskyi; in the center – Didovo- Balkivskyi with Velikoseverynskyi, Oleksiivskyi with Ivanivskyi, Ivanivskyi with Vyshnyakivskyi and Trudolyubivskyi with Pishchanskyi. In the southern part, it is proposed to connect Donchenskyi, Piddubnivskyi, Ustinivskyi and Stavrakovskyi with the border of Mykolaiv region, Velikodryukivskyi with Donchenskyi, Oleksandrivskyi with Gurivskyi, Zhovtnevyi with the eco-corridor connecting Pishchanskyi and Hanno-Leontovytskyi. Newly created eco-corridors are centers of preservation of steppe vegetation. In addition, 7 regionally rare plant species for the Kirovohrad region were found in the studied protective shelterbelts, and 1 was included in the European Red List and the Red Book of Ukraine, 1 – in the Red Book of Ukraine, the European Red List, and the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Conclusions: The preservation of biodiversity and species richness is the basis for the inclusion of protective shelterbelts in the regional econetwork.


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How to Cite

HETMAN, P. A. (2023). Protective shelterbelts - integral component of the regional eco-network (Kirovohrad region). CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 19(4), 365–378.