The epiphytic-epixylic species of the genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray with Physcia-spores in Ukraine




spore’ developmental stage, KOH, substrate, distribution range, lichen.


The multi-substrate and cosmopolite genus Rinodina comprises several groups of species, which distinctly prefer epiphytic-epixylic, terricolous-muscicolous or saxicolous substrates. Several species of epiphytic-epixylic speciation possess similar morphology, however they are different according to inner apothecium structure and spore’ characteristics, as well as secondary chemistry. The present paper deal with species of Rinodina with 2-celled spores of Physcia-type, which have a lecanorine or pseudolecanorine apothecia and thallus without vegetative propagules. These species are represented in Ukraine by R. albana, R. capensis, R. exigua, R. laevigata and R. septentrionalis. The key for the species delimitation is recorded. The necessity to observe a different stage of the spore’s development and checking of the micro-slide in KOH is stressed, as it provides features essential for the species identification. The detailed localities of the species in Ukraine are given. Additionally, we recorded several locations of the studied species from Sweden, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Austria and Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

NADYEINA, O. (2013). The epiphytic-epixylic species of the genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray with Physcia-spores in Ukraine. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 9(2), 265–274. Retrieved from



Algology, Bryology,Lichenology