Introduction of Thymus roegneri K. Koch aggr. in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden


  • N.V. MARKO



introduction, essential oils, chemical composition of essential oils.


The results of morpho-biological and the main economical signs (productivity, content and chemical composition of essential oils) studies of Thymus roegneri have been given. The sample has been introduced from native flora of the Crimean Mountains (Ay-Petri mountain plateau), vegetatively propagated and planted on the introduction and breeding ground. In the introduction conditions of Nikitsky Botanical Gardens Th. roegneri plants undergo a complete cycle of their development, give mass of flowers and fruits. Th. roegneri is a semishrubs height of 25–30 cm, stems are densely covered with short hairs. Leaves are dark green, oblong-elliptical. Inflorescence is elongated, consists of 2–3 whorls. Corolla is mauve. Mass fraction of essential oils in the period of full blossoming is 0,5–0,6 % of the fresh weight. It has been identified 31 components. Essential oils have 39,1 % geraniol, 28,5 % geranilacetat and 16,9 % thymol and are perspective for use in food producing industry and parfumary.


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How to Cite

KHLYPENKO, L., RABOTYAGOV, V., & MARKO, N. (2014). Introduction of Thymus roegneri K. Koch aggr. in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 10(3), 402–407.