Variability of the Plantago lanceolata L. morphological parameters along the transect from natural to anthropogenically disturbed sites





variability, morphological features, technogenic ecotopes, ecotone, Plantago lanceolata.


The main purpose of research is the detection of Plantago lanceolata L. plants adaptive features, which allows accommodating themselves to the stressful environmental conditions. Plants from natural habitat, in man-disturbed ecotopes and transitional zone between natural and technogenic systems have been studied. Absolute and relative parameters of the plants morphological features were measured. Differences in plants habits from studied sites were identified. Plants from transition zone have the smallest leaves, spears and inflorescences as well as lowest total variability. According to the relative leaf indices reflecting total vitality of plant, Plantago lanceolata individuals from the transitional zone had the faster growth with the minimal costs on the leaf building.


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How to Cite

PROKHOROVA, S. (2024). Variability of the Plantago lanceolata L. morphological parameters along the transect from natural to anthropogenically disturbed sites. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 11(4), 412–421.