Ecological-trophic differentiation of species composition of Dothideomycetes from the steppe zone of Ukraine





Dothideomycetes, trophic specialization, substrate groups.


The ecological and trophic features of 272 species of Dothideomycetes from the steppe zone of Ukraine have been studied. According to the trophic specialization 201 species belong to saprotrophs, 69 species – to gemibiotrophs, 2 species – to biotrophs. Over the substrate characteristics a majority of species are phytotrophs (265 species, 97 %), associated with 353 species of vascular plants from 187 genera 69 families; coprotrophs account for 7 species. The most numerous is the xylotrophs group (118 species), gerbotrophs is represented by 93 species, fyllotrophs – by 54 species. We have analyzed the taxonomic composition of trophic and substrate groups, also the ecological characteristics of individual representatives. The ecological characters of species distribution in plant communities of the study area were discussed.


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How to Cite

KOROLYOVA, O. (2017). Ecological-trophic differentiation of species composition of Dothideomycetes from the steppe zone of Ukraine. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 13(1), 87–98.