Periphytic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of water bodies of the National Nature Park «Pyriatynsky»





Bacillariophyta, the Uday river, the Perevod river, the Ruda river, oxbow lake «Horolo».


The results of phycological study of water bodies in National Nature Park «Pyriatynsky» are presented. 190 species (196 intraspecific taxa) of diatoms algae in total were found and identified. Analysis of the results showed that the species composition of Bacillariophyta of investigated water bodies is represented by the three classes, 5 subclasses, 13 orders, 27 families and 57 genuses. The features of affiliation to ecotope of the found species were identificated. Species distribution by different types of water bodies were determined. 10 species new for the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe and 3 species new for Ukrainian Forest-Steppe were found. Pinnularia macilenta Ehrenb. and Sellaphora bacilloides (Hust.) Z. Levkov, S. Krstic et T. Nakov. are new species for the flora of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

KRYVOSHEIA О. (2017). Periphytic diatoms (Bacillariophyta) of water bodies of the National Nature Park «Pyriatynsky». CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 13(2), 204–214.