Carbon sequestration ability of Quercus robur L. plantation in Feofania Park, Kyiv
radial growth, pedunculate oak, carbon storage.Abstract
Сarbon sequestration in young pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) trees stems growing in a Feofania Park stand were reconstructed in this article. We used standard dendrochronological approaches to obtain tree-ring and basal area chronologies (1932–2015). The mean radial growth rate of studied trees at age 65 was 3.18±1.06 mm per year and ranged from 1.86 to 5.49 mm per year. In 2015, a carbon mass in an oak stem reached mean value of 366±176 kg and ranged between 167 and 922 kg depending from a stem diameter. Pedunculate oak fixating ability increases from 2 and 5 kg carbon per year at age 20 and 30 to 10 kg carbon per year at 45–72.
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