Нотатки щодо лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів України I





Ключові слова:

біорізноманіття, нові знахідки, Дніпропетровська, Донецька, Запорізька, Кіровоградська, Луганська. Миколаївська, Одеська, Рівненська, Тернопільська. Черкаська, Чернівецька, Херсонська, області.


У цьому повідомленні представлені нові дані щодо лишайників та грибів України. Вони включають в себе нові знахідки, корекції та підтвердження з різних українських адміністративних областей з родів Arthonia, Aspicilia, Aspiciliella, Bacidia, Buellia, Cercidospora, Circinaria, Cladonia, Clypeococcum, Codonmyces, Didymellopsis, Didymocyrtis, Heterocephalacria, Laetisaria, Lambiella, Lecanora, Lepraria, Lichenochora, Lichenoconium, Lichenostigma, Lichenothelia, Marchandiomyces, Montanelia, Phaeospora, Placynthiella, Polycoccum, Protoparmeliopsis, Pyrenochaeta, Pyrenodesmia, Pyrenopsis, Refractohilum, Rinodina, Rosellinula, Scytinium, Sphaerellothecium, Sphinctrina, Staurothele, Stigmidium, Taeniolella, Thallinocarpon, Toninia, Trapelia, Weddellomyces, Xanthoparmelia and Xanthoriicola. Серед них 28 видів лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів – нові для Миколаївської області, 21 вид – новий для Дніпропетровської, 17 видів – нові для Черкаської області, 7 видів – нові для Херсонської області, 5 видів – нові для Запорізької області, 3 види – нові для Чернівецької області, 3 види – нові для Одеської області, 3 види нові для Луганської області, 2 види нові для Донецької області, два для Кіровоградської області, один для Рівненської та один вид новий для Тернопільської області. Caloplaca xerica новий вид господаря для Lichenochora caloplacae. Не підтверджено зростання Aspicilia cinerea в межах Дніпропетровської, Донецької, Запорізької, Кіровоградської, Миколаївської та Черкаської областей. Lepraria neglecta некоректно визначений лишайник для Донецької, Запорізької та Миколаївської областей. Miriquidica complanata є некоректно визначеним лишайником для Запорізької області. Ці види повинні бути виключені із списку ліхенобіоти цих областей.


ANDRIANOVA T.V., DUDKA I.O., HAYOVA V.P., HELUTA V.P., ISIKOV V.P., KONDRATYUK S.YA., KRIVOMAZ T.I., KUZUB V.V., MINTER D.W., MINTER T.J., PRYDIUK M.P., TYKHONENKO YU.YA. (2006). Fungi of Ukraine. www.cybertruffle.org.uk/ukrafung/eng

BIELCZYK U., KISZKA J. (2000). Contribution to the lichen flora of Western Ukraine. Fragm. Flor. Geobot., 45(1-2): 493–500.

BIELCZYK U., BYLIŃSKA E., CZARNOTA P., CZYZEWSKA K., GUZOW-KRZEMIŃSKA B., HACHUŁKA M., KISZKA J., KOWALEWSKA A., KRZEWICKA B., KUKWA M., LEŚNIAŃSKI G., ŚLIWA L., ZALEWSKA A. (2005). Contribution to the knowledge of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Western Ukraine. Pol. Bot. J., 50(1): 39–64.

BOYKO T.O. (2009a). New and rare for Ukraine lichens from Nature Reserve “Yelanetsky Step”. Chornomors`k. bot. z. 5(2): 241–246. (in Ukrainian)

BOYKO T.O. (2009b). An Annotated List of the Lichens and Lichenicolous Fungi of the “Elanetsky step” Nature Reserve. Chornomors`k. bot. z. 5(3): 448–457. (in Ukrainian)

BOIKO T.O. (2010). First data on lichens and lichenicolous fungi of «Pryinhulskiy» Regional Landscape Park (Mycolaiv region). Visnyk of the Lviv University, Series Biology, 54: 165–171. (in Ukrainian)

DARMOSTUK V.V. (2015). Codonmyces lecanorae Calat. & Etayo is a new species of lichenicolous fungi for Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11(3): 327–329. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/15.113/5

DARMOSTUK V.V. (2016a). The genus Cercidospora (Dothideales) in Ukraine. Ukr. Bot. J., 73(3): 262–267. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.15407/ukrbotj73.03.262

DARMOSTUK V.V. (2016b) Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Rusova beam (Velykooleksandrivka district, Kherson region). Studia Biologica, 10(2): 133–140. (in Ukrainian)

DARMOSTUK V.V. (2019). The genus Lichenoconium (Lichenoconiaceae, Ascomycota) in Ukraine. Ukr. Bot. J., 76(2): 101–113. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.15407/ukrbotj76.02.101 DARMOSTUK V.V., KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2014). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi Kalmius department of Ukrainian Steppe Reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10(3), 322–327. (in Ukrainian)

DARMOSTUK V.V., KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2017). Lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine: An annotated checklist. Studies in Fungi, 2(1): 138–156. doi: 10.5943/sif/2/1/16

DARMOSTUK V.V., SIRA O.YE. (2020). New and remarkable records of lichenicolous fungi from Ternopil Oblast (Ukraine). Czech Mycol., 72(1): 33–41. doi: 10.33585/cmy.72103

DARMOSTUK V.V., KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., NAUMOVICH G.O., KHARECHKO N.V. (2018). Roselliniella lecideae sp. nov. and other interesting lichenicolous fungi from the Northern Black Sea region (Ukraine). Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(3): 354–361. doi: 10.3906/bot-1709-5

FEDORENKO N.M., KONDRATYUK S.YA., ORLOV O.O. (2006). Lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Zhytomyr region. Zhytomyr: P.P. Ruta, Volyn Publichers, 148 p. (in Ukrainian)

FEDORENKO N.M., NADYEINA O.V., KONDRATYUK S.Y. (2007). New and rare lichenicolous fungi from Ukraine. Ukr. Bot. J., 64(1): 47–56. (in Ukrainian)

GOLOVENKO Ye.O. (2016). The lichenflora of Kryvyi Rig iron ore dumps. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 12(1): 78–84. (in Ukrainian) doi:10.14255/2308-9628/16.121/8

GROMAKOVA A.B. (2014). New and rare lichens and lichenicolous fungi for the Left-Bank part of Ukraine from the Seversky Donets River basin. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 10(4): 506–514. (in Ukrainian) doi:10.14255/2308-9628/14.104/5

GROMAKOVA A.B. (2018). New records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Eastern Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 14(3): 269–278. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/18.143/5

GRUBE M., HAFELLNER J. (1990). Studien an flechtenbewohnenden Pilzen der Sammelgattung Didymella (Ascomycetes, Dothideales). Nova Hedwigia, 51(3–4): 283–360. KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (1999). The lichens of the Black Sea steppes. Kiev: Phytosociocentre, 236 p. (in Ukrainian) KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2002a). Lichens of karst outcrops of Chatyrdag (Crimea). Botan zhurn., 87(1): 46–56. (in Russian) KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2002b). A new for Ukraine and rare species of the genus Caloplaca Th. Fr. (Teloschistaceae) from Southern Ukraine. Ukr. Bot. J., 59(2): 171–178. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2003). An annotated list of the lichen forming fungi of the Karadag natural reserve. News of Biosphere Reserve «Askania-Nova», 5: 31–43. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2004). The lichens on rock outcrops of Crimea Peninsula. DSc thesis. Kyiv: M.H. Kholodny Institute of Botany (n Ukrainian).

KHODOSOVTSEV A.Ye. (2006). New for Ukraine species of lichens from Crimea. Ukr. Bot. J. 63(2): 196-202. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.Ye. (2008). Newand rare for Ukraine species of lichens from the southern part of the steppe zone. Ukr. Bot. J. 63(2): 234-242. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2011). A new for Ukraine species of the lichenicolous fungi. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 7(2): 194–198. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2013). Lichen–forming and lichenicolous fungi from Aju-Dag Mt new to Ukraine and Crimea. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9(1): 84–88. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2015). Endocarpo-Xanthocarpion tominii all. nov. and Caloplacetum albolutescentis ass. nov., a new syntaxa of lichen communities from loess outcrops in southern Ukraine. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11(3): 317–326. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/15.113/4

KHODOSOVTEV A.YE., BOGDAN O.V. (2005). An annotated catalogue of the lichen forming fungi of the Yalta Mountain-Forest Nature Reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 1(1): 117–132. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., BOGDAN O.V. (2006). An annotated list of the lichen forming fungi of the Crimean Nature Reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 2(1): 95–117. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., DARMOSTUK V.V. (2016). New species of lichenicolous fungi for Ukraine. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 53: 93–99. doi: 10.12697/fce.2016.53.11

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., DARMOSTUK V.V. (2017b). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of granite outcrops of the Bobrynets raivne. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13(2): 195–203. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/17.132/6

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., DARMOSTUK V.V. (2017c). Zwackhiomyces polischukii sp. nov., and other noteworthy lichenicolous fungi from Ukraine. Polish Botanical Journal, 62(1): 27–35.

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., DARMOSTUK V.V. (2020). Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Khortytsia Island (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 16 (1): 74–80. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553X/2020-16-1-5

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., POSTOYALKIN S.V. (2006). Species of lichens new for Ukraine and for the Ukrainian Carpathians from Carpathian Biosphere Reserve. Ukr. Bot. J., 63(3): 351–357. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., REDCHENKO O.O. (2002). An annotated list of the lichen forming fungi of the natural reserve «Mys Martyan» (Ukraine). Ukr. Bot. J., 59 (1): 64–71. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., ZAVYALOVA T.V. (2008a). The lichen–forming and lichenicolous fungi of the geological nature monument «Kamyana Mogyla» (Zaporizka oblast, Melitopolskiy district). Chornomorsk. bot. z., 4(2): 264–272. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., ZAVYALOVA T.V. (2008b). The lichenological zoning of the rocks outcrops of the Kayinkulak river shores (Zaporozhskaya oblast, Chernigovsky district). Visnyk of Odessa National University. Biology, 13(16): 56–60. (in Ukrainian) KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., ZAVYALOVA T.V. (2011). The lichens of the key botanical territories of the Northern-West Azov sea coastal. In: Network of key botanical territories in the Azov region. Proceedings of the international meeting (October 6-7, 2011, Melitopol): 55 – 56. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., NADYEINA O.V., GROMAKOVA A.B. (2013). An annotated list of lichen–forming and lichenicolous fungi of Kamyani Mogily Reserve (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 9(4): 542–552. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.Ye., DARMOSTUK V.V., KHODOSOVTSEVA YU.A. (2018). Xanthoparmelia incognita in Red Data Book of Ukraine. In: Plant kingdom the Red Book of Ukraine: implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (Proceedings of the V International Conference (June 25-28, 2018, Kherson, Ukraine): 135–135. (in Ukrainian)

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., VONDRÁK J., ŠOUN J. (2007). New lichenized and lichenicolous fungi for the Crimean Peninsula (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 3(2): 109–118.

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., DARMOSTUK V.V., MOYSIYENKO I.I., DAVYDOV O.V. (2018). The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Berezan Island with notes on its floristic and landscape diversity. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 14(3): 279–290. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/18.143/6

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., DARMOSTUK V.V., KHODOSOVTSEVA YA.A., GAYCHENYA YU.V. (2019). The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Trykraty granite massive (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 15(1): 54–68. doi: 10.32999/ksu1990-553Х/2019-15-1-6

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., MALIUGA N.G., DARMOSTUK V.V., KHODOSOVTSEVA YA.A., KLYMENKO V.M. (2017). The corticolous Physcietea lichen communities in the old parks of Kherson region (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 13(3): 481–515. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/17.134/6

KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., MOYSIYENKO I.I., BOIKO M.F., KUNTZ B., MELNYK R.P., ZAGORODNYUK N.V., DARMOSTUK V.V., ZAKHAROVA M.YA., KLYMENKO V.M., DAYNEKO P.M., MALYUGA N.G. (2019). Ancient forgotten parks of Kherson region. Kherson: Publishing House: Helvetica, 300 p. (in Ukrainian)

KONDRATYUK S.YA. (2005). New for mycobiota of Ukraine and rare species of Lichenostigma Haf. (Arthoniales, Ascomycotina). Ukr. Bot. J., 62(4): 509–516. (in Ukrainian)

KONDRATYUK S.Y., MARTYNENKO V.G. (2006). Lichen indication (manual). K.-Kirovograd: TOV “Kod”, 260 p. (in Ukrainian)

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KONDRATYUK S.YA., DYMYTROVA L.V., NADYEINA O.V. (2010). The third checklist of lichenforming and allied fungi of Ukraine. In: Oxner A.M. Flora of the lichens of Ukraine, in two volumes. Volume 2, issue 3. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, pp. 446–486. KONDRATYUK S.YA., KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE., ZELENKO S.D. (1998). The second checklist of lichen forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of Ukraine. Kiev: Phytosociocentre, 180 p.

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KONDRATYUK S.Y., UPRETI D.K., MISHRA G.K., NAYAKA S., INGLE K.K., ORLOV O.O., KONDRATIUK A.S., LŐKÖS L., FARKAS E., WOO J.J., HUR, J.S. (2020). New and noteworthy lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi 10. Acta Botanica Hungarica, 62(1-2): 69–108.

KOVALENKO L.I. (1976). New and interesting litophylous lichens from Donetsk and Zaporizha regions. Ukr. Bot. J., 33(5): 502–506. (in Ukrainian)

MALÍČEK J., PALICE Z., ACTON A., BERGER F., BOUDA F., SANDERSON N., VONDRÁK J. (2018). Uholka primeval forest in the Ukrainian Carpathians – a keynote area for diversity of forest lichens in Europe. Herzogia, 31(1), 140–171. doi: 10.13158/099.031.0110

MIKHAILYUK T.I., KONDRATYUK S.Y., NYPORKO S.O., DARIENKO T.M., DEMCHENKO E.M., VOYTSEKHOVICH A.O. (2011). Lichen-forming fungi, bryophytes and terrestrial algae of granitic canyons of Ukraine. K.: Alterpres, 398 p. (in Ukrainian)

NADYEINA O.V. (2009). The lichen–forming and lichenicolous fungi of the Donetsk Upland. Mycologia Balcanica, 6: 37–53.

NADYEINA O.V., HALICI M.G. (2012). New lichenicolous fungi records for Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. Mycotaxon, 118(1): 131–136.

NAUMOVICH A.O. (2009a). A new and rare for the plain part of Ukraine species of the lichens and lichenicolous fungus from the Ingilets valley. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 5(2): 265–272. (in Ukrainian)

NAUMOVICH A.O. (2009b). Lichens of the geological nature monument «Skeli MODRU» (Kryvyi Rig city). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 5(3): 442–447. (in Ukrainian)

NAUMOVICH G.O., DARMOSTUK V.V. (2015). Lichenicolous fungi of the valley of Ingulets river (Ukraine). Chornomors’k. bot. z., 11(4): 512–520. (in Ukrainian) doi: 10.14255/2308-9628/15.114/7

OXNER A.M. (2010). Flora of the lichens of Ukraine, in two volumes. Volume 2, issue 3. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 662 p. (in Ukrainian)

PREKRASNA YE., VASYLYUK O., DOMASHEVSKYY S., PARNIKOZA I. et al. (2012). The projected of National Nature Park «Divychky» in the Kyiv region. Kyiv: National Ecological Center of Ukraine, 44 p. (in Ukrainian)

RUSINA N.V., NADYEINA O.V., KHODOSOVTSEV A.YE. (2010). An annotated list of lichen–forming and lichenicolous fungi of Lugans’ky natural reserve. Chornomors’k. bot. z., 4(1): 247–258. (in Ukrainian)

SMERECHYNSKA Т.О. (2006). Lichens of the Medobory Nature Reserve. PhD thesis. Kyiv: M.H. Kholodny Institute of Botany. (in Ukrainian) VONDRÁK J., FROLOV I., ŘIHA P., HROUZEK P., PALICE Z., NADYEINA O., HALICI G., KHODOSOVTSEV A., ROUX C. (2013). New crustose Teloschistaceae in Central Europe. The Lichenologist, 45(6): 701–722. ZAKERI Z., OTTE V., SIPMAN H., MALÍČEK J., CUBAS P., RICO V.J, LENZOVA V., SVOBODA D., DIVAKAR P.K. (2019). Discovering cryptic species in the Aspiciliella intermutans complex (Megasporaceae, Ascomycota) – First results using gene concatenation and coalescent-based species tree approaches. PLoS One, 14(5): e0216675.

ZELENKO S.D. (2004). Lichenized fungi. In: Biodiversity of Kamyanets-Podilskyi. A preliminary checklist of the plants, fungi and animals. Lviv: Liga-Press: pp. 86–89. (in Ukrainian)

ZELENKO S.D. (2005). Toninia talparum (Lecideaceae, Ascomycetes) – new species for lichenobiota Eurasia from Podoliya Heights. Ukr. Bot. J., 62(4): 517–521. (in Ukrainian)

ZHURBENKO M.P. (2017). Lichenicolous fungi of the Caucasus: new species, new records and a second synopsis. Opuscula Philolichenum, 16: 267–311.

ZHURBENKO M.P., BRACKEL W. VON (2013). Checklist of lichenicolous fungi and lichenicolous lichens of Svalbard, including new species, new records and revisions. Herzogia, 26: 323–359. doi: 10.13158/heia.26.2.2013.323

ZHURBENKO M., ENKHTUYA O., JAVKHLAN S. (2020). Additions to the checklist of lichenicolous fungi of Mongolia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 57: 9–20. doi: 10.12697/fce.2020.57.03




Як цитувати

ДАРМОСТУК, В., & ХОДОСОВЦЕВ, О. (2020). Нотатки щодо лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів України I. CHORNOMORSKI BOTANICAL JOURNAL, 16(3), 257–274. https://doi.org/10.32999/ksu1990553X/2020-16-3-6